Dani Dyer Latest News-Ex Love Island star did not break up with Sammy Kimmence after being jailed for OAP fraud

Dani Dyer Latest News-Ex Love Island star did not break up with Sammy Kimmence after being jailed for OAP fraud



DANI Dyer did not break up with her liar boyfriend Sammy Kimmence.

The 25-year-old Jimens is Was sentenced to three years in prison yesterday After admitting to defrauding two OAPs from £34,000.

The 24-year-old Dani left the UK while the sentence was being pronounced. Contrary to other reports, he has not abandoned Kimmence and stood by him temporarily.

Insiders said she felt sad for his victims and tried to accept the lies she was told.

A source said: “Sami has downplayed every step of the court case and convinced Danny that he did not do anything too serious… and he will be sentenced to probation.

“Now she knows that everything he did broke her heart, and she is extremely sorry for the two men he cheated and he ruined their lives.”

This TV star’s partner, 25 years old, Pretending to be financial investors to deceive two vulnerable victims, 80 and 90 years old, Using their hard-earned money-and spending his ill-gotten wealth on expensive restaurants, hotels, and clothes.

Read the Dani Dyer live blog below for the latest updates…

  • Luxury life

    Dani, EastEnders actor’s daughter Danny Dell, He did not show up with her boyfriend when he arrived in court.

    Kidmans was originally scheduled to be sentenced last month, but the hearing was postponed… This means that he must spend his first Father’s Day at home with his family.

    Kimmence and Dani lead a luxurious life, Share a £725,000 house in Essex and post on social media about trips to Ibiza and expensive spa days.

    Dani, When she appeared on Love Island, who won the hearts of the people across the country, Did not participate in fraud.

  • Royal Air Force heroes deceived

    Mr. Haynes worked in the Royal Air Force before retiring. He said in a statement: “Suddenly, all the savings I had accumulated during my work were spent. My bank account showed zero.

    “I have always been worried about my situation and have lost a lot of weight due to stress and worry.

    “It is no exaggeration to say that because of his behavior and dishonesty, I can only live on the poverty line.”

  • OAPS deceived

    Kimmence persuaded Mr. Martin to give him his internet banking password, credit card and bank card.

    Mr. Mason said: “In other words, he gave up financial control to Mr. Jimens. It’s like the fox got the key to the chicken coop.

    “Mr. Martin regarded him as a friend until his death, which tells us something about the energy he put in to nurture these old people.”

  • Caught awkwardly

    The court was informed that Kimmence had visited Mr. Haynes and Mr. Martin’s homes many times because he “washed up for them.”

    The documents Kimmence sent to the victims included fake company names and “completely fabricated” gambling committee numbers.

    These are riddled with errors, including “miscalculated balance” and misspellings of Kimmence’s own name.

  • ‘plan’

    The slimy defendant initially denied all the charges-but at the last minute changed his guilty plea and scorned the five counts of fraud.

    Mr. Martin died in November last year at the age of 91, while Mr. Haynes suffered from Alzheimer’s disease.

    Prosecutor Mike Mason said: “This is a very unpleasant fraud against two men deliberately targeted by Mr. Kinmens.

    “He targeted them because they were older, they were fragile and somewhat isolated.

    “This is not his migration from friendship. This is what he planned.”

  • rip off

    Sammy’s company receives money from customers to bet on horse racing on their behalf.

    But the Portsmouth Royal Court heard that when the company entered the liquidation stage, Kimmence took over the client, falsely claiming that he was authorized to provide financial services.

    After the crafty dealer spilled cash on the nightclub and his Mercedes’ personalized license plate, a victim was left “living on the bread line”.

  • Dirty Sammy

    This TV star’s partner, 25 years old, Pretending to be financial investors to deceive two vulnerable victims, 80 and 90 years old, Using their hard-earned money-and spending his ill-gotten wealth on expensive restaurants, hotels, and clothes.

    But yesterday, when he began to be sentenced to three and a half years in prison for crimes, he burst into tears– A few months later, he and the 24-year-old “Love Island” star Dany welcomed their son.

    Sleazy Sammy, stockbroker And amateur football players, Persuade Peter Mullin and Peter Haynes to allow him to invest in them.

    His victim was a client of Equine Global Sports Limited, a legal investment company where Kimmence worked as a senior trader.


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