Vaccine passports for non-essential services may be launched as early as September

Vaccine passports for non-essential services may be launched as early as September



The Minister of Health of Quebec announced on Thursday that Quebec may begin using digital vaccination passports as early as September to prohibit people who have not been fully vaccinated from accessing certain non-essential services.

Christian Dube said: “If and only if the situation worsens, rather than closing the activity department, it is necessary to double-vaccinate certain activities.”

Dubé said that passports will only be used when all eligible people have the opportunity to be vaccinated-he mentioned September 1 as a potential date-and only if COVID-19 cases start to increase Will start to use.

The vaccination passport will not be used to obtain basic services or goods, but it can be used for non-essential services.

If the fourth wave strikes Quebec, those who are not fully vaccinated may think they are locked out of stadiums, team sports, and theaters, for example, as an alternative to a total lockdown.

“This is good for society, education, and the economy, and it is also very good for our health network,” Dube said.

Dubé said that as of Wednesday, 95% of new COVID cases and hospitalizations last week affected people who were not fully vaccinated.

“It is their right to refuse vaccinations, but they must know that in the event of an outbreak or spread in their area, they may have to quarantine, undergo testing or may not be able to perform certain activities.


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