Coronavirus News UK-Boris Johnson urged to reconsider July 19, as the Delta variant brought 32,551 new Covid cases and 35 deaths

Coronavirus News UK-Boris Johnson urged to reconsider July 19, as the Delta variant brought 32,551 new Covid cases and 35 deaths



NHS testing and tracking “has been successful,” said former boss Baroness Harding

The former head of the organization said that the criticized NHS testing and tracking program has proven to be “successful” in the fight against the new coronavirus pandemic.

Baroness Harding refuted allegations that the country failed to achieve its goals after being forced to implement a second nationwide blockade last winter.

She provided evidence to the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons, saying that it is responsible for helping to break the chain of virus transmission and reduce infections by as much as a third.

“Given some of the reporting methods, I do appreciate that many people will feel that this is quite unreliable when they hear about it, but I actually think that NHS testing and tracking is successful, and it has achieved its goal of helping to break the chain of transmission ,”she says.

Her comments came amid widespread criticism of her performance. The government’s Emergency Science Advisory Group (Sage) stated that although the budget was as high as 37 billion pounds in two years, it had little impact on communication.


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