Aftershocks in California and Nevada are expected to last for several days after the earthquake

Aftershocks in California and Nevada are expected to last for several days after the earthquake



San Francisco (Associated Press)-The authorities said that a magnitude 6 earthquake occurred on both sides of the border between California and Nevada, throwing boulders onto a major road. The tremors were felt as far away as Las Vegas and even San Francisco. The aftershocks are expected to continue. day.

The earthquake that occurred shortly before 4pm on Thursday was concentrated south of Lake Tahoe near Walker, a rural community of hundreds of families in the eastern Sierra Nevada Mountains. The authorities said there were no reports of major losses or injuries.

According to the US Geological Survey, dozens of aftershocks followed, including at least six aftershocks of magnitude 4 or above.

Carolina Estrada, manager of Walker Coffee Company, said: “The ground vibrated so badly, and then everything started to collapse.” The syrup bottle broke, the plate fell to the ground, and the roof of the shop collapsed a bit.

She said the vibration lasted 30 seconds or more.

“We ran out of the building,” Estrada said. But the shaking continued, and a “car-sized boulder” fell on nearby US 395, she said.

The California Highway Patrol said that some cars were hit by stones, but no one was injured. The video from the driver showed the car slowly driving around the large rocks scattered on the road.

At one point, the rock slide closed the interstate highway (a main route through the northern Sierra Nevada) for about 40 miles (64 kilometers), but the highway reopened a few hours later.

Boxes were removed from the shelves of Smith Foods and Drugs in Gardnerville, Nevada.

“Our whole store is shaking,” said Brittany Oswald, who works in the store’s delicatessen. “I just stood there, leaning on a table, and waiting for it to end.”

Seismic waves swept the eastern mountains-where thousands of people camped and hiked in the national forest-westward through California’s agricultural central valley and felt it about 250 miles (402 kilometers) from San Francisco. Sacramento also felt the shock, as did Las Vegas, about the same distance southeast of Walker.

Jason Bowerman of the Southern California Earthquake Center of the University of Southern California said: “After an earthquake of this magnitude, people in this area should have aftershocks within a few days.”

Bowerman warned that due to strong vibrations in remote areas, reports of damage or injuries may not be available for several days.

The earthquake occurred on the Antelope Valley Fault, which straddles the state line near Topaz Lake. Seismologists say that earthquakes there are not uncommon. Last month, a 5.8-magnitude earthquake shook the town of Lone Pine in the east of Sierra and caused a boulder to crash on the mountain. Whitney.

However, Thursday’s earthquake was the largest on record since the 6.1 magnitude earthquake in the area occurred in 1994.


Olga R. Rodriguez and Daisy Nguyen in San Francisco, Christopher Weber in Los Angeles and Michelle Price in Las Vegas contributed to this report.


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