Kurt Evans of Down North Pizza in Philadelphia won the Champion of Change Award from the 50 Best

Kurt Evans of Down North Pizza in Philadelphia won the Champion of Change Award from the 50 Best



Philadelphia Kurt Evans, chef and part owner Shimobei Pizza In North Philadelphia, one of the three winners Champion of change.

The new initiative comes from The 50 best restaurants in the world announced on Tuesday recognized those During the COVID-19 pandemic, they created meaningful changes in the community.

Evans is committed to getting people’s attention Criminal Justice Reform in the United States Hire people who were previously imprisoned and provide them with culinary career opportunities. His “End Mass Imprisonment” dinner series is also dedicated to uniting the community around this cause.

In addition, he is a Co-founder Everyone eats In Philadelphia, a mutual aid organization began to provide free food to people in underserved communities during the pandemic.

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50 Best’s introduction on Evans is as follows:

Since Evans first launched the “End Mass Incarceration” dinner series (ie EMI) in 2018, he has been using food as a medium to alleviate recidivism and combat mass incarceration. The EMI dinner brings together people affected by this phenomenon, community members, and policymakers to raise funds for bail, clearance clinics, and charities (such as Books Through Bars), while fostering dialogue on this key topic. In July 2020, Evans helped to create “Everyone Eats Philadelphia”, a collaborative team of black chefs who led the fight against food insecurity in their hometown with other chef Stephanie Nicole Willis.

When the pandemic first hit the United States, Evans was serving as a culinary director at Drive Change, a non-profit organization in New York. The program helped train previously imprisoned youths in the culinary arts, but ended abruptly. The chef and activist moved back to Philadelphia, where he co-founded Down North with Muhammad Abdul-Hadi Pizza. The “mission-led for-profit restaurant” in the Strawberry Mansion community in the city hires previously imprisoned individuals while providing culinary career opportunities at reasonable wages.

Donate Will contribute to the cause of each winner from the 50 Best Recovery Fund. The exact amount has not been disclosed.

According to Philadelphia Diners, Evans plans to use the money to invest in everyone eating and more dinners to end mass incarceration. Everyone Eats is building a community space and getting a truck to bring fresh produce to the food desert in Philadelphia.

Viviana Varese is an Italian chef, she is LGBTQ+ community and inclusion, and Deepanker Khosla is an Indian chef and restaurateur who supports Thai immigration. He is the other two change champions.More details about their achievements are Available from 50 Best.


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