Is this how Meghan Markle raised Lilibet?From smart crib to placental pill

Is this how Meghan Markle raised Lilibet?From smart crib to placental pill



Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcomed their first daughter Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor in June.

Fans are crazy to see how the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will raise their daughters in California.

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Meghan Markle and Prince Harry welcomed baby Lily Beat last monthCredit: Reuters

La-La-Land may be Harry with MeganNew home-but it is also the birthplace of many expensive, luxurious and crazy parenting trends.

Here Fabulous to see how Megan might raise funds Lily Beat -From smart cribs to placental pills.

Self care

Nima Patel, mindfulness expert, certified conscious parenting coach and founder Mindfulness Champion, Commented on the luxury parenting trend that Megan might accept.

The couple live in a £11 million mansion in Montecito, California


The couple live in a £11 million mansion in Montecito, California

She said: “Self-care will become a very popular trend for parents across the United States.

“The pandemic highlights the importance of cultivating our own mental health. Parents realize that they need to prioritize their own happiness after giving birth.

“Meghan is a passionate advocate of mental health, so this is a trend she might accept.

“Meghan made it clear that since becoming a member of the organization, she has been struggling with her mental health issues. Royal family; At the same time, like all of us, she is inevitably affected by the coronavirus pandemic. “

Parenting coach Nima says self-care will be Meghan’s top priority


Parenting coach Nima says self-care will be Meghan’s top priority

Meghan recently gave birth to Lilibet—she will be referred to as Lily for short—and expert Nima believes Meghan will take self-care as a basic part of her parenting style.

Nima added: “If you feel exhausted, it is impossible to present your best self to your children.

“Meghan’s embrace of this trend is great for herself, Harry, Archie, and Lilibet, supporting their ability to stay in touch and the broader family dynamics.

“However, it is important for parents to check themselves every day to make sure they keep their feet on the ground.

Meghan and Harry may choose the


Meghan and Harry may choose the “internal thermometer” methodCredit: Apple TV+

“As part of this trend, parents may accept new ideas, such as listening to their own’internal thermometer’; if their emotions reach a boiling point, they need to take a step back, deal with the situation and respond positively.

“This is something I believe Megan will do, and I personally feel very strong about it!”

Smart crib

A recent Tatler feature showed that the baby Lilibet was “unquestionably” held in the arms of the Snoo Smart crib.

It describes the automatic swing crib as “the iPhone of California babies”-our experts believe that Megan is likely to follow this luxury “smart crib” parenting trend.

Suze and Kevin Patel, founders What a baby, Said: “It is undeniable that smart technology is emerging; we are living in an era defined by innovation, where everything becomes more automated, complex and intelligent; this includes the baby world.

Megan is likely to prepare a


Megan is likely to prepare a “smart crib” like this for LilibetCredit: Ninibaby

“From electric cradles to monitoring applications and sensor pads, products that parents now like

Have a basic theme: they are technology-driven, so we believe that they will perform better and exceed our expectations.

“However, it is important to remember that babies need human touch to develop and adapt to new environments-technology cannot replace everything.

Megan is likely to accept the various luxury smart cribs available on the market today.

Suzie and Kevin PatelFounder of Nini Baby

“Meghan will most likely accept the various luxury smart cribs available on the market today.

“However, as a spokesperson for mental health and a proud and outspoken mother, she is clearly committed to nurturing connections with her children, and we believe that smart technology will not be her top priority.

“On the contrary, when she tries to find a healthy balance, she will prefer products that provide the best of both worlds.

Experts believe that nurseries will become a


Experts believe that nurseries will become a “comfortable place” for familiesCredit: Splash

“Of course, their home will be full of expensive products-it is almost taken for granted. But despite this, their home will be a refuge, a comfortable place, while they continue to sail in the whirlwind they are currently experiencing. .

“With this, they will also accept thoughtful and loving products.”

Expensive treatment

Tatler’s article also mentioned that the trend of taking placenta tablets may have been used by Megan.

Loved by celebrities Jinji, Eating this organ is believed to increase iron content, mood and milk.

A feature of Tatler claims that Megan will have his own placental medicine-just like Kim Kardashian before


A feature of Tatler claims that Megan will have his own placental medicine-just like Kim Kardashian before

So forget about celebrity diets or fitness plans-placental medicine is the latest trend sweeping the entertainment industry

Some people believe that during the nine months of pregnancy, the nutrients passed from mother to fetus are still stored in the organs—should not be boxed.

According to theory, eating raw placenta can help mother recover from childbirth and strengthen her during breastfeeding.

This process is full of controversy, because there is currently no conclusive evidence that taking pills has any benefit.

Kim Kardashian tweeted that she took placenta medicine in 2015


Kim Kardashian tweeted that she took placenta medicine in 2015Credit: Instagram

Tatler said: “As for Megan, she might take capsules made from her own placenta in the first few weeks (this is a typical La-La Land postpartum ritual.)

“She might even use Cryo-Cell, a private cord blood bank, to store blood and tissue from the umbilical cord (it is rich in hematopoietic stem cells, which can help if Lily is sick).

“Over $3,000, this process is not for everyone, but it is considered the norm in affluent areas of California.”

Delicious baby food

The article stated that Megan might ask Dr. Scott Cohen as her child’s pediatrician because he is “the charming, whispering hero in Beverly Hills.”

Cerebelly is the first-line celebrity favorite delicious baby food bran


Cerebelly is the first-line celebrity favorite delicious baby food branCredit: Cerebellum

But it also looked at potential baby food options that Lilibet might like as they get older.

It said: “There is no doubt that Yumi will provide organic gourmet solids (kale and quinoa, and sweet potato cheesecake).

“Or Megan’s daughter might prefer the’vegetarian first’ nutrition from Cerebelly.”

Yumi combines science with fresh organic ingredients to help children reach their full potential, while Cerebelly organic baby food is developed by licensed neurosurgeons and includes nutrients that support early brain development.

Working mother

Mindfulness expert Nima Patel believes that the topic of working mothers will be discussed more openly with their children.

Parenting coach believes Megan will teach her children about women in the workplace


Parenting coach believes Megan will teach her children about women in the workplaceCredit: Splash

She said: “Throughout the pandemic, many mothers, including Megan, found themselves working from home. As a result, their children have been exposed to this situation.

“So it’s no surprise that in the next few months, discussing women in the workplace will become more and more common.

“Parents will use this as an opportunity to educate their children on an equal footing and instill inclusive ideology in their children at the critical stage of their growth.

“As a mindfulness expert and certified conscious parenting coach, I support this wholeheartedly.

Parents may accept new ideas, such as listening to their own “internal thermometer”; if their emotions reach a boiling point, they need to take a step back, deal with the situation and respond positively.This is what I believe Megan will do, and I personally feel very strong about it

Nima PatelParenting Coach

“It is very important for parents to make their daughters feel capable of doing whatever they want, and at the same time make sure that their sons are passionate about their own fight for equality.”

Nima said that this is likely to be done through open discussions, and more and more parents will confirm with their daughters.

For example, mothers who go to work every morning will sit down with their daughters to recite phrases such as “I am strong”, “I am capable”, “I am strong” and “I am confident” to help their children empower.

Neutral colors

Suze and Kevin Patel, the founders of Nini Baby, said that Megan is also likely to accept the trend of neutral colors.

Experts think Megan will follow the trend of neutral colors in her nursery


Experts think Megan will follow the trend of neutral colors in her nurseryCredit: Getty-Contributor

They said: “Neutral colors have always been popular in the baby world, it seems they won’t go anywhere;

“If they don’t find the baby’s gender, this is the color palette of choice for most parents.

“At the same time, parents love these colors because they are relaxing and gentle, and we all want to celebrate these themes in the baby nursery.

“Meghan is very fashionable, so we have no doubt that she will embrace this trend and create a calm, neutral haven for Lilibet.”

Easy to transport

At the same time, Suze and Kevin Patel also think that Lilibet is probably a baby who travels a lot.

Especially now that travel is reopened.

They said: “This means one thing, parents are choosing baby products that are easy to transport.

“However, for many new parents, this is the first time they have to consider packing and taking their children on a trip, which is absolutely daunting.

“Fortunately, having baby products that can be used at home and suitable for travel makes life easier.

“As jet people, Meghan and Harry will definitely invest in luxurious, travel-friendly baby products-after all, fashionable parents want all the latest gadgets!”

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