Why do Americans celebrate July 4th with fireworks?Tradition begins in Philadelphia

Why do Americans celebrate July 4th with fireworks?Tradition begins in Philadelphia



Thousands of Americans will flock to Benjamin Franklin Avenue to watch fireworks explode in the Philadelphia sky in honor of July 4. Similar celebrations will be staged across the country.

This tradition is almost as old as the United States itself.And it Started in Philadelphia.

The first Independence Day celebration was held on July 4, 1777-one year after the Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence.

On the eve of the passage of this historic document, John Adams wrote a letter to his wife Abigail, suggesting that the future anniversary of the birth of the country will be celebrated with fireworks.Adams wrote:

“I tend to believe that it will be celebrated by future generations as a great anniversary celebration. It should be commemorated as the Day of Salvation for the solemn dedication to Almighty God. It should be celebrated in a grand and solemn way. The parade, accompanied by The performances, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires and lighting from one end of this continent to the other end will always move forward from this era.”

Adams actually believes that July 2 will be the “most memorable Epoch” in the United States. That was the date when representatives from the 12 colonies voted for independence. The future president missed that prediction, but he kept all aspects of propaganda in mind.

According to the Pennsylvania Evening News, a year later, Philadelphia celebrated with “joy and holiday.” First newspaper Print the Declaration of Independence.

The celebration started at noon. Armed boats on the Delaware River lined up in front of the city, “wearing the most joyful clothes, showing American colors and ribbons.” At 1 pm, they began to sound 13 gun salutes, Tribute to 13 colonies.

The afternoon includes a dinner for Congress and other dignitaries. A Hessian band plays music. A group of British deserters opened fire to celebrate. Countless people toast to independence and those who fight for it.

The celebration naturally ended with fireworks.according to Evening News:

“The evening ended with the sound of bells, and a grand firework show (starting and ending with thirteen rockets) was held in the House of Commons in the evening, and the city was brightly lit. Everything was carried out in the highest order and etiquette, and faces of joy and joy were universal of.”

In the next few years, cities and towns across the country began to commemorate Independence Day through parades, lectures, picnics, games, and military demonstrations. According to PBSThis observation became especially common at the end of the war in 1812, when patriotism enveloped the country.

The fireworks in the first celebration on July 4th will not be the elaborate aerial show that people observe today. Although there are some rockets, They are rude. In the center is a raised platform covered with fireworks depicting patriotic images.

According to reports, the Italians first developed colorful fireworks by combining metal with explosives in the 1830s. National GeographicThe family business participated in the competition, and each of them launched a firework into the sky. Explosions are judged based on their design, sound, size, and color.

Aerial fireworks eventually reached the United States in the late 1800s.Two family businesses-Grouch Fireworks and Zambeli Fireworks-are one of the oldest and largest fireworks companies in the United States


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