Matt Hancock’s latest video-Before CCTV’s derailment, the former Minister of Health “called himself” as “the Minister of Embrace”

Matt Hancock’s latest video-Before CCTV’s derailment, the former Minister of Health “called himself” as “the Minister of Embrace”



The hospital apologized to the woman who could not visit her dying son

A hospital apologized to a woman who could not see her dying son in the last few weeks.

Ollie Bibby, 27, from South Benfleet, Essex, died of leukemia at University College Hospital London (UCLH) on May 5. The hospital has pledged to review how it implements the national guidelines for medical consultation during the pandemic.

The Labour Party leader Sir Kil Starmer raised the case in a question from the Prime Minister on Wednesday, and pointed out that Mr. Bibby captured the then Minister of Health Matt Hancock and his assistant Gina Coladangelo embracing on CCTV footage. Died the day before when he violated social distancing rules.

Mr. Stammer told the House of Commons that Mr. Beebby’s family and friends could not spend time with him. When he was in the hospital, he asked to visit his family. He said they followed the rules and only allowed one of his family members to see him.

Mr. Bibby’s mother, Petunia Bibby, said: “I am very angry. We did everything we were asked to do, but the person who made the rules did not. How could it be right?”

In response, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson referred to Mr. Hancock’s resignation as a “Westminster bubble” issue.


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