Biden looked confused and took out notes because he seemed to be trying to answer reporters’ questions about cyber hacking

Biden looked confused and took out notes because he seemed to be trying to answer reporters’ questions about cyber hacking



Joe Biden looked confused before taking out his notes because he seemed to have a hard time answering reporters’ questions about cyber hackers.

The president was asked about the ransomware attacks that attacked hundreds of American companies, and then he seemed hesitant to answer and read his tips awkwardly.


Joe Biden looked confused and took out his notes because he seemed to be trying to answer reporters’ questions about cyber hackingCredit: Reuters

On Saturday, 78-year-old Biden had been in Michigan when asked about the “recent Russian hacking.”

Then the president began to answer: “We are not sure we are Russians. I got a briefing on the plane. That’s why I was late when I got off the plane.

“I will talk to you better about this.”

There was a problem with this video, but he seemed to stop responding, and then took a note from his jacket and told reporters: “I will tell you what they sent me.”

On Saturday, 78-year-old Biden had been in Michigan when he was asked about the hacking.


On Saturday, 78-year-old Biden had been in Michigan when he was asked about the hacking.Credit: Associated Press

Biden continued: “This idea-first of all, we are not sure who it is, the first.

“And what I do is, if we are sure, I will mobilize all the resources of the government to help respond.”

He stopped again and asked the cashier at the Central Lakeview Orchard Farm Store: “What else is needed?” She had asked him earlier that he needed a receipt for the pie he bought.

Biden added: “I instruct the intelligence community to let me know more about what happened. Tomorrow I will know better.

“If Russia knows and/or Russia has caused the consequences, then I tell Putin we will respond.”

Former White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany tweeted the video and wrote: “Yes, yes, he did awkwardly take out the note card to answer the question he just heard.

Prior to July 4th, hundreds of American companies had been subjected to “huge” cyber attacks. This led to House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy labeling Biden as a “weak man” and opposing Vladimir Putin.

Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany posted this video on Twitter


Former White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany posted this video on TwitterCredit: Reuters
Biden buys pies and jams at the King Orchard Farm Store in Central Lake, Michigan


Biden buys pies and jams at the King Orchard Farm Store in Central Lake, MichiganCredit: Associated Press

Biden’s obvious struggle happened that day Former White House doctor Ronnie Jackson said the Democratic Party “Need to ask Joe Biden to take a cognitive test.”

Donald Trump’s former doctor Jackson said that the current president “has not aged gracefully.”

He added: “You can look back-this man has forty years of tapes-he always makes mistakes and things like that, but these are different, he is confused, he is lost.”

Texas Rep. Jackson told Fox News Saturday: “I think he is proving that something is happening every day.

“You don’t need to be a doctor to observe this behavior and see what is worrying happening.”

Biden faces increasing pressure Cognitive test Many Republicans claimed that he was not fit to be president.

Jackson is one of 14 Republicans The lawmaker who signed a letter calling on the 78-year-old man Democrats Take a psychological test.

Biden said he Planning to have a medical examination this year And make the results public.

Trump continues to call Biden’s ability Questioning, saying “he got worse,” Jackson said Saturday that the president looked “very confused.”

Biden faces increasing pressure on cognitive testing


Biden faces increasing pressure on cognitive testingCredit: Agence France-Presse
The gaffe-prone president has made several mistakes in recent months


The gaffe-prone president has made several mistakes in recent monthsCredit: Agence France-Presse

Congressman Jackson said: “We all know 100-year-olds, they are basically as sharp as pins, and we know that 60-somethings have some cognitive difficulties… I think he is in this state. Spectrum.

“I just asked them, when you do the physical examination, include the cognitive assessment. As far as I am concerned, the standard precedent has been established and they need to follow and do the same.”

Russian President Putin last month Refutes speculation that Biden suffers from dementia As he said, he was “informed” at the Geneva summit and “never missed any details”.

In May, more than 120 retired generals called Biden “physical and mental health cannot be ignored”.”

Posted by Flag Officers 4 America, the letter Biden’s ability to serve as president has been questioned.

This The gaffey president, Made several mistakes in recent months.

He is confused Syria At the press conference of the G7 summit, it confronted Libya three times.

Biden told the U.S. military stationed at the Royal Air Force Mildenhall Air Force Base that he had always forgotten that he was the president and called the Royal Air Force RFA.

In March, he was arrested Tripped over the steps of Air Force One In embarrassing mistakes.


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