Sergio Ramos shocked, Nuno Tavares transfer ended, Zelinsky watched, Nelson new trade

Sergio Ramos shocked, Nuno Tavares transfer ended, Zelinsky watched, Nelson new trade



Good morning Arsenal fans

England may not have Bukayosaka in the quarter-finals against Ukraine.

The Arsenal star started the wonderful game against Germany with a score of 2-0, but played for Jack Greeley in the 69th minute.

Before the conflict in Ukraine, Gareth Southgate, the coach of the Three Lions, said: “We just need to check Bujako, he received a slight impact today. But other than that, everyone else can use it. “

Elsewhere, it was reported that Arsenal was connected to the shocking move of snapping up free agent Sergio Ramos.

It was originally expected that the 35-year-old player would move to Paris Saint-Germain after his contract with Real Madrid expired.

The Spanish defender is said to have reached a two-year contract with the Parisian. But according to the goal, Ramos and Ligue 1 have not yet reached any deal.

They also stated that Mikel Arteta wanted to keep informed about any future developments of the four-time Champions League champion.

The Gunners have offered Rice Nelson a new contract in order to loan out Olympiacos’ target.

England Under-21 striker Nelson currently has two years left on his contract, but he has not made a breakthrough under Mikel Arteta’s leadership.

James Benge of CBS Sports claimed that the Gunners wanted the 21-year-old Londoner to develop his advanced experience elsewhere.

Finally, Arsenal are about to sign with Benfica left-back Nuno Tavares (Nuno Tavares), who is heading to England to complete the transfer.

It is believed that the 21-year-old player has agreed to a contract to 2026 in North London with a contract value of £7 million plus surcharges.

Tavares has been determined to provide competition for Kiren Tierney, and Bucayo Saka and Granit Zaka will act in the absence of the Scot in the 2020-21 season.

With the Portuguese youth international flying from Lisbon to the UK, it is expected that his move will soon be confirmed.

On Friday, his agent Rafael Santos (Rafael Santos) posted a photo of him on Instagram with the defender before takeoff.


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