France resumes joint military operations in Mali | Burkina Faso News

France resumes joint military operations in Mali | Burkina Faso News



After the West African country’s second coup in less than a year, France suspended operations at the beginning of last month.

France announces that it will resume joint military operations in Mali time out At the beginning of last month, this West African country had its second coup in less than a year.

The Minister of the Armed Forces said in a statement on Friday that after consulting with the Malian Transitional Authority and countries in the region, France “decided to resume the joint military operations and national advisory missions suspended since June 3.”

After the Malian military strongman Asimi Goita who led the coup last year overthrew the country’s civilian transitional president and prime minister, it was decided to suspend joint operations.

The move triggered diplomatic turmoil, prompting the United States to suspend security assistance to Mali’s security forces, and prompting the African Union and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to suspend security assistance to Mali.

Mali and France played a key role in fighting the bloody rebellion that plagued the Sahel.

France deployed approximately 5,100 soldiers in the Sahel region during the crescent dune operation in five countries: Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, Mauritania and Niger.

On June 10, French President Macron Announce The French army’s military presence in the Sahel has been significantly reduced, where troops have been fighting rebel groups for nearly a decade.

Macron stated that the existing crescent-shaped dune operations will end, and the presence of France will become part of the so-called Takuba International Task Force, in which “hundreds” of French soldiers will become the backbone.

This Takuba unit currently has about 600 soldiers, half of whom are French.


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