Coronavirus: What happened Friday in Canada and around the world

Coronavirus: What happened Friday in Canada and around the world




Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will receive a second dose of the COVID-19 vaccine on Friday.

The Prime Minister’s itinerary shows that he is injecting the Moderna mRNA vaccine at a clinic in Ottawa.

His wife Sophie Gregoire Trudeau received a second dose of the vaccine on Thursday. The Trudeaus received the first dose of the vaccine in late April and received the AstraZeneca-Oxford vaccine.

Watch | COVID-19 restricts Canadian immigration and makes it more difficult for newcomers:

COVID-19 not only limits the number of new immigrants arriving in Canada, it also makes their readjustment more difficult. 2:27

Canadian National Advisory Committee on Immunization (NACI) updated its guidelines Earlier this month, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines were allowed to be used interchangeably because they both use similar mRNA technology. NACI also stated that the first shot of AstraZeneca vaccine can be followed by Moderna or Pfizer.

Trudeau once said that vaccination is a way to get rid of the pandemic, and in his Canada Day speech he praised Canadians for getting vaccinated to help their lives return to normal.

What’s happening in canada

As of 7:00 am EST on Friday, Canada has reported 1,415,403 confirmed cases of COVID-19, of which 7,067 are considered active. The death toll on CBC News is 26,299. To date, more than 37.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been vaccinated across the country. CBC’s vaccine tracker.

Due to the holiday, many provinces did not report figures on Thursday.

British Columbia enter Next stage its Reopening plan On Thursday, the state of emergency implemented since March 2020 was lifted.

Relaxing restrictions means that residents can dine indoors and outdoors, with an unlimited number of people, and can participate in fairs and festivals with infectious disease plans. The province also allows outdoor gatherings of up to 5,000 people.

Until further restrictions are lifted in September, masks will no longer be mandatory, although provincial health officer Bonnie Henry encourages people to continue to wear masks indoors.

Alberta Governor Jason Kenney attended the Canada Day celebrations in Calgary on Thursday to celebrate the removal of public health restrictions. (Larry McDougall/Canada Press)

Alberta Almost all remaining COVID-19-related restrictions were lifted on Thursday, ending capacity restrictions on restaurants, shops, and places of worship, as well as restrictions on indoor and outdoor social gatherings.

In addition to Calgary, the province has also cancelled the requirement to wear masks.

Watch | Alberta lifted most COVID-19 restrictions, including wearing masks:

Alberta has lifted almost all COVID-19 restrictions, including provincial mask regulations, to reopen in the summer. 2:02

Newfoundland and Labrador Thursday Reopen for non-essential passengers Fill in from outside of Atlantic Canada Registration form.

Provincial notification A new COVID-19 case appeared on Wednesday.

New Brunswick No new COVID-19 case reports on Thursday Three new cases Confirmed the day before.

Nova Scotia Four new cases reported COVID-19 on Thursday.

Pei No new cases were reported on Thursday.

What is happening around the world

According to published data, as of early Friday, more than 182.6 million COVID-19 cases have been reported worldwide. Johns Hopkins University In the U.S. The reported global death toll exceeds 3.9 million.

inside Asia-Pacific, The highly contagious coronavirus delta variants are proliferating, and there has been a sharp surge in South Korea.

On June 28, a medical worker took a nose sample from a man at a COVID-19 test site in Seoul, South Korea. (Eun Joon/Associated Press)

The country reported 826 new cases on Friday, the highest in nearly six months. Most of the cases occurred in the capital Seoul and its surrounding areas.

Health officials have linked the surge to summer gatherings and the spread of more contagious variants.

Japan reported earlier this week that delta variants now account for nearly one-third of all cases in the eastern part of the country (including Tokyo), and may increase to 50% by mid-July.

On Friday, Tokyo Governor Yuriko Koike reiterated that if the COVID-19 situation worsens, banning viewers from watching the Olympic Games starting on July 23 will be an option.

The variant was first discovered in India in December last year and has now spread to about 100 countries, and the World Health Organization recently warned that it may soon become the main form of the virus.

India crossed the grim milestone of more than 400,000 deaths from COVID-19 on Friday. Although this number is large, it is still considered to be greatly underestimated due to the lack of tests and reports.

On Friday, a health worker was vaccinated against COVID-19 in New Delhi, India. (Manish Swarup/Associated Press)

More than half of the coronavirus deaths reported in India (ranked third among all countries) occurred in the past two months, as the delta variant of the virus ravaged the country and crushed already strained health system.

New cases showed a downward trend after exceeding 400,000 per day in May, but the authorities are preparing for another possible wave and are working to increase vaccination efforts.

The Ministry of Health of the country stated that there were 853 deaths in the past 24 hours, bringing the total death toll to 400,312. It also reported 46,617 new cases, bringing the total number of pandemics in the country to more than 30.4 million.

India is a country with a population of nearly 1.4 billion, and the third country with more than 400,000 deaths after the United States and Brazil.

Watch | Delta variant forces closed in Australia and Bangladesh:

As the delta variant spreads throughout the southern hemisphere, there are calls for the vaccine to be transferred there to treat high-risk populations there. 2:00

Experts believe that the number of deaths and infections reported by India is seriously underestimated. They said that during the surge outside the hospital in April and May, countless people died before they were tested for the virus.

A model from the Institute of Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of Washington estimates that more than 1.1 million people in India have died of COVID-19.

The Indian Federal Minister of the ruling Bharatiya Janata Party refuted the reports of undercounting, saying it was exaggerated and misleading.


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