The co-protector of Britney Spears’ estate, the Bessemer Trust, withdrew because her hard fight with her father Jamie turned into a “hornet’s nest”

The co-protector of Britney Spears’ estate, the Bessemer Trust, withdrew because her hard fight with her father Jamie turned into a “hornet’s nest”



The Bessemer Trust, the protector of BRITNEY Spears’ heritage, has withdrawn because her hard fight with her father, Jamie, has become more and more poisonous and has been compared to a “hornet’s nest.”

In court documents, the singer stated that she wanted the private wealth management company to be appointed as the “sole regulator,” but the Los Angeles show judge Brenda Penny rejected the request, but granted They jointly monitor the qualifications of people.

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Britney wants the Bessemer Trust to be the sole protector of her estateCredit: Reuters
Jamie is still the co-custodian, but if the trust goes down, he will be the only person in charge


Jamie is still the co-custodian, but if the trust goes down, he will be the only person in chargeCredit: Associated Press

After the ruling is made, legal documents need to be submitted to resume joint supervision, but Bessemer Trust is said to have reconsidered.

A source close to the financial institution told TMZ Due to all the disputes surrounding supervision, it has decided not to participate anymore.

“Bessemer felt the surrounding situation Britney’s Regulation has become a hornet’s nest, so it is giving up,” an insider revealed.

Another added that Bessemer “does not want to deal with Jamie Spears” and also had problems with Britney’s lawyer Sam Ingham.

According to reports, Bessemer Trust does not want to deal with Jamie Spears


According to reports, Bessemer Trust does not want to deal with Jamie SpearsCredit: Associated Press
The public outcry also caused people to lose their trust in being a co-protector


The public outcry also caused people to lose their trust in being a co-protectorCredit: Alami

The public outcry over the treatment of Britney Spears has also increased uncertainty about whether the trust wishes to be related to this media attention.

After experiencing a series of mental breakdowns, Britney has been living under complicated legal arrangements-usually reserved for the elderly and infirm.

This allowed her father to control most of her affairs-Spears claimed that this limited her private life.

In November last year, when Mr. Spears was asked to be removed from office, Mr. Ingham said that 39-year-old Britney was afraid of her father and wanted him to be free from the regulators that controlled her life since 2008.

Judge Brenda Penny rejected the request to remove her father Jamie


Judge Brenda Penny rejected the request to remove her father JamieCredit: Agence France-Presse

In court documents, the singer stated that she hopes the private wealth management company Bessemer Trust will be appointed as the “sole protector.”

However, documents filed in Los Angeles show that Judge Brenda Penny rejected the request and rubber stamped Bessemer Trust’s role as co-protector of the estate.

It appears in The shocking testimony of last week among them Britney39 years old, claiming that the supervision arrangement is so “abusive” that she wants to “sue her family.”

The mother of two said that she was required to use a contraceptive device and was forbidden to marry her boyfriend Sam Asghari.

The British want to marry her boyfriend and have a baby


The British want to marry her boyfriend and have a babyImage Credit: Instagram/Britney Spears
Britney told the court that she had an intrauterine device but was not allowed to take it out


Britney told the court that she had an intrauterine device but was not allowed to take it outCredit: Instagram

The current decision does not take this statement into consideration.

According to the media report, a judge ruled that Jamie Spears will remain her co-protector “at least for now.”

More details on why the judge made the decision have not been released, although Britney’s lawyers are now expected to file a new petition demanding her freedom.

After the singer went bankrupt in 2007, he supervised his estate for 13 years


After the singer went bankrupt in 2007, he supervised his estate for 13 yearsCredit: Getty

Her father has managed her estate for 13 years, but she has not been responsible for her personal affairs since he resigned from the position in September 2019 due to poor health.

Mr. Spears’ guardian, Jodi Montgomery, temporarily replaced Mr. Spears’ guardian.

The case is expected to continue-Mr. Spears called for an investigation into Ms. Montgomery’s involvement, saying she “did not reflect [Britney’s] desire”.

The trust describes the case as a


The trust describes the case as a “horse’s nest”Credit: Getty
Pop star Britney Spears demands termination of regulation


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