Pennsylvania Task Force deployed to Florida to assist in building collapse

Pennsylvania Task Force deployed to Florida to assist in building collapse



On Wednesday, dozens of members of the Pennsylvania Task Force were deployed to Florida to help search and rescue operations in the collapse of the Surfside apartment.

Champlain Towers South is a 12-story apartment building that partially collapsed last Thursday and the concrete slab collapsed within seconds. In the past week, first responders and search and rescue teams have been searching for survivors in the rubble.

City officials said 70 members Task forceIt is one of 28 national urban search and rescue teams supervised by FEMA. They drove buses and trucks full of resources and equipment for nearly 1,200 miles to Florida.

A team of first responders and Philadelphia firefighters will stay in Florida for two weeks to assist in the search.

“We can only imagine the pain of those who have lost their loved ones or are still waiting to hear from their loved ones,” Governor Tom Wolfe Said in a statement“The men and women of PA-TF1 know the dangerous jobs they will face when they arrive at the scene, but it is also a great blessing to be able to bring closure to the families and friends of the victims of this collapse.”

On Wednesday alone, searchers at the collapse site found the remains of a total of 6 people-the day with the largest number of deaths in a single day Since the search and rescue work began, This Miami herald Report.

Officials said that 18 people have been confirmed dead. There are still 145 residents missing.

New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy also sent members of the First Task Force of New Jersey to Florida on Thursday morning. According to ABC7.

This is not the first time the Pennsylvania Task Force has traveled to Florida for assistance. In 2018, the team was sent to the Florida Panhandle for 10-day assistance. Hurricane Michael.

The task force was also sent to South Carolina for 19 days of assistance. Hurricane Florence flood.


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