With the Green Party layoffs, Annamy Paul faces a vote of no confidence on July 20

With the Green Party layoffs, Annamy Paul faces a vote of no confidence on July 20



The Green Party will vote of no confidence in its leader Annami Paul.

CBC News obtained a party statement stating that the party’s governing body will meet on July 20 to vote on a motion of no confidence. The interim party chairman Liana Canton Cusmano read the letter at the members’ town hall meeting today.

The letter stated that the party committee is proceeding to sanction Paul because he “failed to publicly condemn Noah Zatzman’s actions.” Paul’s former political adviser Noah Zatzman called for criticism of Paul’s problems in the Middle East online. Party members on the stand.

The expulsion of Paul was carried out after a similar attempt made more than two weeks ago. On June 15, members of the Federal Party Committee issued an ultimatum to Paul.

The letter that Cusmano read at today’s meeting stated that Paul did not abide by the terms of the ultimatum and now must face the consequences.

The letter said: “This vote of no confidence is very important, and it is also the most important thing the Canadian Green Party has ever done.” “We will not take this lightly or decide to proceed with this vote.”

Watch: Annamy Paul responds to a possible vote of no confidence in her leadership:

Federal Green Party leader Anna Mi Paul told CBC’s David Cochran about power and politics that she wants to focus on things that are important to her party. 2:19

In an interview with CBC on Wednesday night Power and politics, Paul said that the movement to remove her as a leader was promoted by a small faction in her party. She said she was “very confident” that she would maintain the support of most party members.

“This is actually just a small group of lawmakers, including the president, who are going out,” Paul said, noting that the terms of several party executives will expire in August.

“Sometimes the most negative sounds in the room are the loudest, and they can easily drown out the rest.”

For the no-confidence vote to succeed, 75% of the board members must vote yes on July 20. If this happens, members of the Green Party will have the final decision at the August 21 meeting.

Zazman issued a statement saying that today’s actions “further evidence that an organization’s leadership has cultivated a systemic culture of anti-Semitism and discrimination.”

“Annamie was elected by a majority of party members to change this, and I believe she will,” he said.

Party headquarters layoffs

The Canadian Green Party today also announced significant layoffs ahead of the widely anticipated election campaign.

According to sources who were not authorized to speak publicly, the party told employees today that it will lay off staff. A source said that as many as 15 people may eventually be fired-almost half of the total number of employees at the party headquarters.

According to sources, the party’s interim executive director Dana Taylor (Dana Taylor) announced the layoff plan at an exciting meeting this morning. It is not clear which positions are affected.

Watch | Annamie Paul faces a motion of no confidence:

The Green Party leader Annamy Paul will face a motion of no confidence next month. What followed was a federal election call, which is widely expected to be held in the next few weeks. 1:50

Sources said that Paul tried to publicly oppose the layoffs during the meeting, but her microphone was muted.

Another source said that since Paul was elected leader in October, the party’s financial situation has deteriorated.

According to the latest fundraising data from the Canadian Electoral Commission, as of the last quarter of March this year, the party raised $677,539 under the leadership of Paul. This is higher than the USD 576,644 in the same quarter of 2020.

Paul denied that the Green Party was spiraling upwards ahead of the possible elections later this year. She said that during the pandemic, Canadians responded positively to the party’s message.

“We also provide a more collaborative and more cooperative culture for politics… and what we need in the future,” Paul said in her speech Power and politics Interview.

CBC contacted other Green Party officials for comments.

Timeline of internal conflicts in the Green Party

The latest news on Wednesday was released after weeks of internal struggle within the Green Party, which eventually led to an attempt to depose Paul earlier this month. The following are the key events in the party conflict so far:

  • In May, New Brunswick Assemblyman Jenica Atwin tells her party’s position In response to the Middle East conflict on Twitter, he called it a “completely inappropriate statement.” Atwin then wrote: “The forced evictions must end. I stand with Palestine and condemn the incredible air strikes in Gaza. End apartheid.”
  • Soon after, Noah Zatzman (Noah Zatzman), the leader’s senior adviser at the time, on Facebook The Green Party “will work hard to defeat you and bring progress to the climate champions. They are anti-law and support LGBT, support indigenous sovereignty and Zionists!!!” Soon, they asked the leader Annami Paul The call to condemn and dismiss Zatzman is getting louder and louder.
  • In early June, Atwin Announced that she would join the Liberal Party across borders, Pointed out that the party’s divergence in the Middle East “definitely worked.”
  • Nearly a week later, the party’s senior leaders convened an emergency meeting to discuss the issue of Paul’s removal. After the long meeting, CBC learns that Paul has survived try. Instead, members of the Federal Party Committee chose to issue an ultimatum stating that she must publicly support her remaining Green Party members and “deny” Zatzman. The consequence of failure to comply will be another vote of no confidence on July 20.
  • Paul has not yet fully complied with the ultimatum publicly.


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