Military intelligence believes that BC reserve soldiers are regional leaders of the ultra-right movement: Document

Military intelligence believes that BC reserve soldiers are regional leaders of the ultra-right movement: Document



Military officials stated that they believe that the position and involvement of a Canadian reserve officer in a now banned right-wing organization is more important than the initial report suggests—senior intelligence officials seem to have an important role in the leadership of the Rangers. The evaluation was conducted. Erik Myggland has been in office until this spring-CBC News learned.

Documents obtained under the Access to Information Act show that Canadian senior military and defense security officials believe that Myggland is the regional leader of the “three percent movement”, a survivalist organization rooted in the United States It was added to Canada’s list of terrorist organizations last week.

“It has been determined that Pte. Erik Myggland is the chairman/commander of the III% BC/Yukon branch. He is extensively involved in a right-wing extremist (RWE) organization called Soldiers of Odin (SOO),” August 25, 2020 E-mail from Edmonton headquarters to the commander of the Fourth Canadian Ranger Patrol.

“As we all know, both organizations are actively recruiting CAF members.”

This email was sent on the same day that the CBC News released a report that revealed the relationship between Myggland and the Three Percent Movement and Odin Soldiers, a white supremacist organization that originated in Europe. Myggland was released from the army in March.

The email from the direct headquarters of the Ranger Forces of the Canadian 3rd Division in Edmonton is part of the email chain that started with the Director-General of Defense and Security in the Department of Defense in Ottawa.

The Director General obtained intelligence warnings from members of the Five Eyes Intelligence Sharing Alliance (Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and New Zealand) as well as the Canadian military counterintelligence investigation into Myggland and its current activities. -Ex-wife, Jodi, she is also a Ranger who briefly participated in 3% sports.

CBC News received nearly three dozen pages under the Access to Information Act, including a chronology and a summary of the couple’s activities. Almost all content has been edited.

The troop commander was obviously caught off guard

These documents appear to form the basis of what the leadership of the Ranger unit was told, as Myggland’s affiliation and online posts-including the reference to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as a “traitory bastard”-were made public in CBC news reports.

Migeland’s involvement in right-wing extremism seems to have captured the commander of the Rangers, the lieutenant colonel. Lars Mides, unexpected.

“This information will be useful a year ago or more,” Middles wrote in response to the Director General of Security.

Previous documents released to CBC News based on the Information Acquisition Act showed that the Canadian military’s counterintelligence department became aware of Myggland’s suspected activities after being reported by a special department of the London Police Department in Ontario in 2017. Defense sources said that the Five Eyes intelligence sharing partners also raised red flags to the rangers.

With the assistance of Meades, military counterintelligence officers conducted investigations and interviews with Myggland.

Myggland said he did nothing wrong

Last fall, in an interview with the hometown newspaper The Rocky Mountain Goat, Myggland denied any wrongdoing, claimed that he was no longer a member of these two organizations, and stated that when he recognized their racism and anti-government colors, He left them.

He declined to speak with CBC News, claiming that his reporting of his case was biased, and did not respond to another recent email request for comment.

He was released from the army in March after a protracted battle with DND regarding his resignation characteristics. In an interview with the Valemount publication in British Columbia, he said that he didn’t mind being fired by the army, but he opposed claims about racist activities.

The leadership of the Canadian Army and 4CRPG was criticized by human rights organizations because once he was found to be under investigation, he did not move faster to remove him.

The documents released to CBC News raised new concerns among anti-hate advocates who questioned the decision of the military intelligence services in this case.

The commander should be told earlier: Balgold

Evan Balgord, executive director of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network, said that the depth and extent of Myggland’s connection with the 3% movement should be “shared with the commander of the Ranger organization” from the beginning.

“The president is actively responsible for recruiting new members to join the hate organization, so this is something that commanders of course should know,” he said.

The military conducted a special investigation into the 4 CRPG’s concerns that it might be affected by right-wing extremism. The actions of counterintelligence officials have not been subject to the same level of scrutiny—at least in public.

Last fall, when asked whether the intelligence services should be more proactive in this case, Lieutenant General. Wayne Al, acting chief of staff of the Department of Defense, stated that the activities of counterintelligence officers — whose duties include monitoring internal threats to the armed forces — are not within the scope of the military.

A defense source with knowledge of the document said this week that Al, who was the commander of the Army when the Myggland story appeared, did indeed meet with senior defense intelligence officials in an effort to increase transparency.

On Sunday, January 17, 2021, in front of the Florida State Capitol in Tallahassee, Florida, an anti-government extremist who supports guns wears a “Three Percenter” patch on his chest. (Amy Beth Bennett/Associated Press)

Balgold said that what the intelligence agency knew, when it knew it, and what actions it took should be reviewed.

He said that he was really surprised to see that Myggland might hold an important regional position in the survivalist movement-American members of the movement were accused of participating in the Capitol Hill riots in Washington on January 6, 2021.

Balgold said: “We thought, he certainly tried to give the impression that he was just a member or some kind of colleague who was not deeply involved. Now it seems that this is not true.” “The truth is. [B.C./Yukon] It is very disturbing that the president is there and the possibility of recruiting others. “

He said the army should look at the Valmont Patrol in B.C. to make sure that there was no recruitment activity.

The military investigation concluded that the leadership of the China Resources Quartet did not take the initiative to deal with the Migran case.

CBC News obtained copies of the final report of the investigation (written in November last year) and previous drafts of the report under the Access to Information Act.

Different drafts show that the tone of the report is gradually softening, which may reflect the extent to which the military counterintelligence department may be in the dark about the 4 CRPG leadership.

The October 30, 2020 version of the investigation report stated that “the investigation team found that the 4 CRPG leadership had indulged hatred in the CR’s Erik Myggland and Jodi Myggland cases.”

This reference has been removed from the final version of the report.


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