The new port will open in 2024

The new port will open in 2024



San Diego (CNS)-California and Mexico dignitaries signed a memorandum of understanding on Monday to open a new port of entry at the U.S.-Mexico border in Ote Mesa by the end of 2024.

Officials stated that the National Highway 11/Otai Mesa East Port of Entry project will promote and promote trade between the two countries by adding a third port of entry in the San Diego area and reducing the waiting time of motorists at the border. Improve air quality by reducing emissions from vehicles that often idling at border crossings.

The project is described as “the border crossing of the 21st century” and is expected to use a variety of technological systems to monitor waiting times and reduce traffic congestion, including electronic toll collection, passenger information systems that inform drivers of toll rates and waiting times, and interchangeable Mainly check lanes, and there is a difference between peak passenger car and commercial vehicle travel time.

San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria (Todd Gloria) said that this is a different project from any other project in history.

“This is the future of San Diego,” Gloria said. “I think the future generations of San Diego will be grateful that we have taken an important step in occupying this space, allowing you to come back (see) one of the best in three years. Advanced, world-class international entry point.”

So far, the project has invested more than 500 million U.S. dollars, and the total investment in facilities on both sides of the border is estimated to be about 1 billion U.S. dollars.

California Governor Eleni Kounalakis said that the improvement of new ports of entry “will help promote economic activity on both sides of the border”, while Roberto Velasco Alvarez, Director-General of North America, Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Waiting time at the port of entry. The border is the “main trade barrier” between the United States and Mexico.

California Department of Transportation Commissioner David Kim said that when the Otay Mesa East Port of Entry opens, the peak waiting time at the existing port of entry will be reduced by about 50%.

Kim said that before the pandemic, the average waiting time for commercial vehicles was 1 to 2 hours, and for passenger cars was 1.5 to 2 hours.

SANDAG Chairman and Encinitas Mayor Catherine Blakespear said that the goal of the new port of entry is to reduce the average waiting time to “no more than 20 minutes.”

The memorandum of understanding reached and signed by the two countries at a press conference on Monday laid the foundation for project milestones, the location of tolls in the United States, and the toll revenue sharing policy that will help fund the project.

“The addition of a brand new port of entry will have a huge impact on maintaining the development and forward development of this important trade and economic relationship,” Jin said.

Copyright 2021, City News Service, Inc.


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