Meghan Markle News-The Duchess and Prince Harry “drafted a file” to defend the bullying claims of the statue of Diana as the Duke of England

Meghan Markle News-The Duchess and Prince Harry “drafted a file” to defend the bullying claims of the statue of Diana as the Duke of England



Meghan Markle and Prince Harry “tell the royal family that they don’t want Archie to be a prince” before complaining that he is not a prince during Oprah’s interview.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle told the royal family that they did not want Archie to be a prince, and then they complained that in their conversation with Oprah Winfrey he was not awarded the title of prince, someone claimed.

The source said that the Sussex couple “never asked” the question about their son not being made a prince by the royal family-but then raised this question in a blockbuster interview in March.

A source told the media that Meghan and Harry “never asked questions”, and the Duke of Sussex has always “insured that Archie” should not be titleless like his cousins ??Peter and Zara Phillips. Grow up under circumstances”.

But in Their shocking interview with Oprah Winfrey, Megan hinted otherwise and discussed the reason Archie was not made a prince when he was born. He said:

“But during the months of my pregnancy, it was almost at the same time: we also did not give him a sense of security, titles, and no worries and conversations about how dark his skin was when he was born.”


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