Three Percenters, neo-Nazi organizations were added to the Canadian terrorist list

Three Percenters, neo-Nazi organizations were added to the Canadian terrorist list



The federal government has added three percent campaigns to its list of terrorist entities. This is an anti-government organization related to the recent bomb conspiracy in the United States and has a well-known presence in Canada.

It is one of four entities added to the criminal code list of terrorist entities today.

The Three Percenters is named after a controversial theory that only 3% of Americans took up arms and served in George Washington’s colonial army, opposed to the British American Revolution. They said their main goal was to protect the right to bear arms. Defend “beyond the government” and “counter tyranny.”

In explaining why they were added, Canadian officials said in the background that they had collected enough evidence to add the organization to the list.

In the material provided to reporters, the government mentioned the role of two leaders of the organization in the 2020 conspiracy to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer, which allegedly involved detonation of explosives and public executions. Personnel, put them on live TV.

Canadian officials also cited a case in which a member shot and wounded five men during a “Black Man’s Life” demonstration held in Minnesota in 2015.

As we all know, the three Percenters have chapters in Canada.

Financial impact

Today, another ideologically motivated violent extremist organization, Aryan Strikeforce, has also been added.

Officials said that this neo-Nazi organization founded by the United Kingdom has ties in Canada, and its purpose is to carry out violent activities to overthrow the government, launch racial wars and eliminate minorities.

Canada has added an American neo-Nazi named James Mason who is accused of providing ideological and tactical guidance on how to operate a terrorist organization to its listed entities and Da’esh or ISIS affiliates in the Democratic Republic of the Congo .

When announcing new terrorist activities, the Canadian government stated that if the Canadian security and intelligence agencies found after an “extremely strict” investigation that “there are reasonable grounds to believe that an entity deliberately participates in or assists in terrorist activities”, the organization will be added to terrorist activities. The list of molecules. name.

Becoming a member of these groups is not necessarily a crime, but designating an organization as a terrorist entity may have serious criminal and economic consequences.

Banks can now freeze assets, and police can charge anyone who supports such groups financially or materially.

According to Article 83 of the Criminal Law, collecting property from terrorist entities, “providing or inviting someone to provide or provide property or financial or other related services” are indictable crimes.

Public Security Minister Bill Blair said: “Recent incidents should dispel any doubts about the serious threat posed by ideologically motivated violent extremism.”

“Intolerance and hatred have no place in our society, and the Canadian government will continue to do everything we can to protect Canadians from all threats, including terrorism and violent extremism.”

These increases mean that 77 terrorist entities are now included in the Criminal Code.


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