Palestinian Authority critics die during arrest | Middle East News

Palestinian Authority critics die during arrest | Middle East News



An outspoken critic of the Palestinian Authority, who intended to participate in parliamentary elections before being cancelled earlier this year, died when he was arrested by the Palestinian Authority on Thursday.

Nizar Banat, 44, severely criticized the Palestinian Authority, which manages parts of the West Bank occupied by Israel, and called on Western countries to cut off aid to them because of its Authoritarianism and human rights violations are getting worse.

In a brief statement, Hebron said Banat’s “health condition has deteriorated” because the Palestinian army arrested him earlier on Thursday. It said he was taken to the hospital and later pronounced dead.

The specific circumstances of his death are unclear.

According to his family, Banat was in bed when about two dozen Palestinian police broke into his home in Hebron and began beating him. Local media quoted them as saying that he was dragged away screaming.

In early May, the gunman fired bullets, stun grenades and tear gas at his home near the city of Hebron in the West Bank. His wife and their children were at home.

He blamed the attack on the Fatah party of President Mahmoud Abbas, who dominates the security forces, saying that only they can obtain tear gas and stun grenades.

“Europeans need to know that they are indirectly funding this organization,” Barnett said in an interview with the Associated Press at his hiding home in May.

“They shot into the air during Fatah celebrations, shot into the air when Fatah leaders were fighting with each other, and shot people who opposed Fatah.”

“The Wave of Criticism”

Banat also accused prominent Fatah supporters of inciting campaigns against him on social media. They accused him of cooperating with Israel-a serious accusation that amounts to treason in the Palestinian territories. He denied the accusation.

Earlier this week, Palestinian security forces detained a well-known activist and detained him overnight after he launched a wave of criticism of the Palestinian Authority on Facebook. Issa Amro is an outspoken critic of Israel and the Palestinian Authority and has been detained by both parties in the past.

A recent poll showed that Abbas’s approval rating plummeted. He cancelled the first election in 15 years in April, when his Fatah party seemed to lose again to Hamas, which rules Gaza.

Hamas expelled troops loyal to Abbas when it seized power in Gaza in 2007 after democratic elections in 2006. In the 11-day Israeli attack on Gaza last month, the Palestinian president was mostly marginalized.?.

Western countries continue to regard Abbas as an important partner in the long-dying peace process. Over the years, the European Union has provided hundreds of millions of dollars in direct assistance to the Palestinian Authority.

Earlier this week, the European Union signed an agreement to provide $425 million in loans to the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian Bank to help them deal with the economic crisis exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic.

‘Relentless excessive force’

At the same time, Amnesty International report The news released on Thursday stated that Israeli police had committed “a series of crimes against the Palestinians in Israel and the occupation of East Jerusalem.”

It accused the police of carrying out discriminatory repressive campaigns, including “mass arrests, the use of illegal force against peaceful protesters, torture and other ill-treatment of detainees.”

Based on the testimony of numerous eyewitnesses and 45 videos and other forms of digital media, the report recorded more than 20 violations by the Israeli police between May 9 and June 12.

The organization stated that its findings showed that the Israeli police also failed to protect Palestinian citizens in Israel from premeditated attacks by armed Jewish nationalist groups.

According to the Palestinian human rights organization Mossawa, as of June 10, Israeli police had arrested more than 2,150 people, 90% of whom were Palestinian citizens in Israel or residents of occupied East Jerusalem.

Some of the cases recorded in the report include Mohammad Mahmoud Kiwan, 17, who was shot in the head near Umm el-Fahem in northern Israel on May 12 and died a week later.

It also records the case of 15-year-old Jana Kiswani, who was shot in the back on May 18 when she entered Sheikh Jarrah’s home.

Her father Muhammad told Amnesty International that her vertebrae had been broken and the doctor did not know if she could walk again.

“The evidence collected by Amnesty International paints a terrible picture of the discrimination and relentless excessive force of the Israeli police against Palestinians in Israel and occupied East Jerusalem,” said Saleh Hijaz, deputy director of Amnesty International’s Middle East.

“This discriminatory suppression is a well-planned act of retaliation and intimidation designed to suppress pro-Palestinian demonstrations and silence those who condemn Israel’s institutionalized discrimination and systematic oppression of Palestinians.”

Amnesty International called on the UN Human Rights Council’s Commission of Inquiry to investigate violations of Palestinians by Israeli police.


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