Coronavirus: What happened in Canada and around the world on Thursday

Coronavirus: What happened in Canada and around the world on Thursday




A minister said Thursday before announcing whether it will expand the list of non-quarantine tourist destinations that the UK hopes to allow people to vacation abroad again, but the government is cautious about risks.

Britain’s strict restrictions on foreign travel have sparked outrage: Pilots, crew members, travel agencies and other tourism workers staged protests on Wednesday, pleading for the government to open more routes.

British citizens are basically forbidden to travel to most countries-including EU countries-because quarantine and testing rules are cumbersome and expensive.

“Personally, I want us to return to a position where we can support those who want to travel.” When asked whether the British will soon appear on the beaches of the Balearic Islands in Spain, Environment Minister George Eustis told Sky News.

“But it is difficult and we are very cautious,” he added, saying that other countries may have new variants that are more resistant to vaccination.

11 “green list” destinations

Transport Minister Grant Sharps will say later on Thursday whether any new destinations will be added to England’s “green” travel list without quarantine, as there is speculation that restrictions on Spanish islands such as Ibiza may be relaxed.

Justis warned that the green list is unlikely to change drastically.

Malta and the Portuguese island of Madeira have also been touted as possible additions to the list, and British Airways, easyJet and TUI have stated that they will be ready to set off if new destinations open.

Despite the relaxation of the domestic blockade, there are currently only 11 “green” destinations, and Britons can travel to these destinations without quarantining for 10 days when returning.

These rules have hindered the recovery of airlines and resort companies, which have been in trouble after being restricted by COVID-19 for nearly 18 months.

-From Reuters, last updated at 7 am Eastern Time

What’s happening in canada

Watch | Relaxing COVID-19 restrictions across Canada to promote vaccine development:

As Ontario plans to enter the next stage ahead of schedule, Manitoba has begun to relax another round of COVID-19 restrictions, but maintaining the number of cases nationwide will depend on the rise in vaccination rates. 1:58

As of early Thursday, Canada had reported 1,410,927 confirmed COVID-19 cases, of which 9,645 were considered active. The death toll on CBC News is 26,175. To date, more than 33.5 million doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been vaccinated across the country. CBC’s vaccine tracker.

In Atlantic Canada, only A new case of COVID-19 The whole area was reported on Wednesday.Health officials in New Brunswick A case was reported in the Bathurst area.

Although the number of cases has fallen, I am frustrated with the travel rules that New Brunswick people are trying to travel to Nova Scotia On Wednesday, people blocked the highway across Canada to protest these regulations.

in Quebec, Coroner investigation COVID-19 deaths in long-term care Still in progress, health officials reported three deaths on Wednesday. 127 new COVID-19 cases.

Ontario Health officials reported 11 deaths and 255 new COVID-19 cases on Wednesday.According to sources, Ontario has released the latest news Will enter the second stage Its reopening plan is slightly ahead of schedule. Governor Doug Ford said residents should see the announcement “soon.”

In the prairie provinces, Manitoba Officials announce that the province will report 3 deaths and 123 new COVID-19 cases Enter the first phase of reopening on Saturday.

Saskatchewan Report 32 new COVID-19 cases Another person died on Wednesday. The province on Thursday opened up eligibility for the second dose to anyone who received the first dose at least 28 days before.

in Alberta, Health officials on Wednesday reported two other deaths and 92 new COVID-19 cases.

In the entire north, no new cases have been reported Nunavut or North-west region. in Yukon Territory Dr. Brendan Hanley, Chief Medical Officer of Health, reported another 4 COVID-19 cases and 1 COVID-19 death case on Wednesday – Territory’s fourth death.

in British Columbia, Health officials reported 1 death and 87 new cases of COVID-19 on Wednesday.

-From Canadian media and CBC News, the last update time is 7:20 AM Eastern Time

What is happening around the world

On Thursday, at a vegetable market in Hyderabad, India, a health worker vaccinated a woman with Covishiield during a special vaccination campaign against COVID-19. (Mahesh Kumar A./Associated Press)

According to data released by Johns Hopkins University, as of early Thursday morning, more than 179.6 million COVID-19 cases have been reported worldwide Coronavirus tracking toolThe reported global death toll exceeds 3.8 million.

inside middle East, Fearing the spread of the infectious delta variant of the coronavirus, the Israeli government has postponed plans to reopen the country for tourists who are vaccinated. After basically closing the country during the pandemic, Israel is scheduled to reopen its borders to vaccinated tourists on July 1. It has begun to allow vaccinated tourist groups to enter in May. All tourists are required to be tested and present a vaccination certificate before boarding a flight to Israel.

But after the infection rate rose in the past week, the government said on Wednesday that it would postpone this date to August 1. The Israeli Ministry of Health has recorded 110 new coronavirus cases in the past day.

in Europe, Coronavirus infections in Russia continue to soar, with authorities reporting 20,182 new cases on Thursday and another 568 deaths. Both figures are the highest level since late January. Earlier this month, as the number of infections in Russia surged, the authorities were struggling to overcome the widespread problem of vaccine hesitation and to immunize its 146 million people.

inside America, The Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that Mexico will donate more than 400,000 doses of AstraZeneca’s COVID-19 vaccine to the so-called Northern Triangle Central American countries Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador on Thursday.

Brazil has recorded a single-day record of 115,228 newly confirmed coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours. Although the long-delayed vaccination work has finally made progress, the outbreak is showing new signs of acceleration.

On Thursday, in Sydney, Australia, a cleaner was wiping a tram. The steady increase in COVID-19 cases in Sydney has prompted the government to impose greater restrictions, including mandatory requirements to wear masks indoors and restrictions on gatherings and movement. (Lisa Marie Williams/Getty Images)

inside Asia Pacific Australia’s most populous region of New South Wales reported that as officials are working to contain the outbreak of the highly contagious Delta variant, the number of new COVID-19 cases received locally increased by double digits for the third consecutive day.

in Africa, The South African health regulatory agency stated that it has received documents about China’s Sinopharm vaccine and will evaluate the data to evaluate the efficacy of the vaccine.

-From Reuters and The Associated Press, the last update time is 7:10 am EST


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