The foreign policy of Trudeau and G7 leaders on the agenda of the second day of the summit

The foreign policy of Trudeau and G7 leaders on the agenda of the second day of the summit



Foreign policy has been on the agenda of a meeting of international leaders gathered in England to develop strategies to best meet some of the most pressing challenges.

Strengthening the global vaccine campaign to defeat COVID-19 is a major focus of the G7 leaders summit hosted by British Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Another area they will focus on is foreign policy, which will be discussed in closed meetings.

How to deal with China and its more radical stance is one of the challenges facing these countries, including Canada, which has close economic ties with the country.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing pressure from the opposition Conservative Party to take a tougher stance on China. After an executive of Huawei Technologies was extradited to the United States on fraud charges in 2018, two Canadians People were detained.

He has said in the past that since Meng Wanzhou’s arrest, his Liberal government is working hard to bring them home and sees their detention as a strategy of retaliation and pressure.


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