Travel decreases in 2020 and judges receive large amounts of royalties

Travel decreases in 2020 and judges receive large amounts of royalties



Scottus News

Fred Schilling, Collection of the Supreme Court of the United States

The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is reflected in an unusual source: Judges’ 2020 Financial Disclosures issued by the Administrative Office of the Courts of the United States (and Fix the court release online) on Friday. Unlike previous years, the judges were mostly close to their homes. After the pandemic broke out in mid-March, only two judges reported travel expenses.

The financial disclosures issued around this time of the year are relatively opaque. For example, they only indicate the value of investment on a large scale, and do not include the value of the justices’ house. However, these disclosures also reveal the groups that judges talk to, their work outside the courtroom, and even the gifts they receive.

Eight of the nine judges’ disclosures were announced on Friday. Justice Samuel Alito’s disclosure report is not included.

The two justices– Chief Justice John Roberts with Justice Sonia Sotomayor -Did not report any travel they were reimbursed for. Their four colleagues only started traveling before the pandemic. Justice Clarence Thomas Go to Florida to speak at the Florida Chapter of the University of Florida and the Federalist Association, a conservative legal group. Justice Stephen Breyer In January 2020, he traveled to New York City as a juror of the prestigious Pritzker Architecture Prize. Justice Elena Kagan In late January, he also went to New York to talk with the state’s bar association. Unlike her colleagues, the two trips reported by the court’s latest judge, Amy Connie Barrett, Including traveling to Washington, D.C., when she served as a judge in the Federal Court of Appeals in Indiana: Barrett came to Washington in January to judge the moot court competition at George Washington University and returned to serve as the judge company of the Shakespeare Theatre Peter Pan’s mock trial.

Judge Neal Gossack Before the pandemic hit, he squeezed into two trips-first to his hometown of Colorado to join the Federalist Association in February, and then to lecture at the Notre Dame Law School in Naples, Florida in mid-March. Gorsuch also reported that the George Mason University National Security Institute’s 12-day stay in Williamsburg, Virginia, was reimbursed in June. Gorsuch reported that as an adjunct professor at George Mason University, his income was $25,000.08.

Regarding his work as a guest professor at George Mason’s Antoninska Institute of Law (he received US$25,000.08 for this), Justice Brett Kavanaugh Said that he taught a two-credit course at the Supreme Court from August 8th to August 15th. He reported that during that time, the law school reimbursed him for accommodation and meals at an unspecified location in Farmington, Pennsylvania.Farmington is the home of luxury goods Nema Kolin Resort with Historical Summit Hotel, An upscale hilltop hotel.

Sotomayor and Gorsuch report healthy external income from book advances and royalties.Sotomayor has several books, including her 2013 memoir My dear world As well as books for middle school students and young children, last year brought her US$212,181 in advances and royalties-slightly lower than her salary of US$265,600. Gorsuch reported $623.92 in royalties from Princeton University Press, probably from his 2009 book on assisted suicide and euthanasia, and $100,000 in royalties received by Penguin Random House for his most recent book. A republic, if you can keep it.

Several judges reported the external income of real estate.Breyer owns a holiday home in the Caribbean (he used to be there Robbed by a man with a machete in 2012), which brought him $15,001 to $50,000 in rental income, and Sotomayor reported that her New York apartment rental income was between $5,001 and 15,000. Roberts and Kagan’s real estate holdings are less profitable: Roberts reported that the income from a cottage in Limerick County, Ireland was $1,000 or less, while Kagan reported that the income from a rental property in Washington The income earned is between US$1,001 and US$2,500.

In addition to their teaching positions, judges have held various non-judicial positions. In addition to serving as a Pritzker juror, Breyer also served as the honorary director of the Dana Farber Cancer Institute, where his wife Joanna worked as a psychologist. Gorsuch (together with Justice Anthony Kennedy, who retired in 2018) serves on the board of directors of the Williamsburg Colony and serves as the honorary chairman of the National Constitution Center. Kavanaugh continues to devote himself to youth sports, serving as a coach for the youth basketball team and an advisor to the Catholic Youth Organization Sports Advisory Committee.

Earlier this year, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (DR.I.) and Senator Lindsey Graham (RS.C.) Appeal to the judge Disclose more information about the gifts they received and external income. Although 2020 is a relatively calm year for judges’ travel and gifts, these calls may continue as judges (all now vaccinated) resume normal activities in 2021.

This article is Originally published in Howe on the Court.


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