
British boxing champion Kirkland Laing died seven years after falling from the balcony of Hackney at the age of 66.

The troubled boxer retired in 1994 after winning 43 victories, including a historic victory over US champion Roberto Duran.


Kirkland Lane dies at the age of 66Credit: Getty

Sadly, after the end of his career, Ryan’s career fell into alcoholism and drug abuse.

In 2013, he fell from the balcony on the fourth floor of East London in a critical condition.

As the heartbreaking news of his death spread online, promoter Frank Warren paid tribute to this great boxer today.

He wrote on Twitter: “All in Queensbury is sad to hear the news of former British and European heavyweight champion Kirkland Lane.

“Our hearts are with Kirkland’s family at this time. RIP Champ.”

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