The latest asterisk updates for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, etc.

The latest asterisk updates for Scorpio, Taurus, Aries, Cancer, Leo, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, etc.



Where should I go on holiday?

Astrologer Lisa Stardust and Foxy Bingo have compiled a perfect travel list based on your star rating symbol And you don’t even need to leave the country.

Gemini: Connected Traveler

Lisa said: “As a symbol of dual identity, Gemini people like to ride a bicycle or die in BFF travel, experiencing the juxtaposition of countries and the style of big city life. Once international travel is allowed, Paris is an amazing place to visit because of the countryside. It’s a short train ride from Hee Hee’s city, so you can reach it all at once.”

Before Paris re-emerges, Gemini should try to visit the city of Edinburgh. In this way, they can enjoy all the good times of city life, while being only a few steps away from the beautiful Scottish countryside.

Aries: independent traveler

Lisa said: “As the most passionate sign in the zodiac, Aries I hope to travel alone within my budget while recording all the seven wonders of the world on Instagram. When exploring and seeing the wonderful places they dream of exploring, they will be interested in making new friends. ”

While waiting for the world to reopen, Scotland is an excellent destination for personal exploration in the UK. With attractions such as Ben Nevis, Inveraray Castle and Falkirk Ferris Wheel, your Instagram feed will make all your friends envy.


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