Pennsylvania has reached an important milestone in pursuing herd immunity against the coronavirus.
According to the agency’s data, more than 50% of adults now have received full vaccination-about 5.13 million. U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 68.5% of adults had at least one COVID-19 injection.
In Philadelphia, which distributes its own vaccines, about half of the population over the age of 16 have been vaccinated at least once.
Governor Tom Wolf said that after 70% of the adult population is fully vaccinated (defined as two weeks after receiving the last shot), the state’s mask requirements for unvaccinated people will be removed. State health officials say this may happen within a few weeks, Associated Press report.
Pennsylvania is one of 22 states that provides at least 50% of the vaccine to the adult population. New Jersey and Delaware have also exceeded this threshold. Maine and Connecticut are among the top states, each receiving 61% of the vaccines.
Wolf restored the state’s disaster statement on Thursday-just two days after voters weakened his authority over emergencies. His ability to repeatedly update the manifesto and the power it gives him has been a controversial issue throughout the pandemic.
During the primary elections on Tuesday, voters supported Amendments to the Constitution Limits his control. One person can pass a resolution with a simple majority to give the conference the power to extend or terminate the disaster statement. The other limits the declaration period to 21 days.
Wolfe said in his speech: “We will continue to cooperate on the future of the disaster statement and any future statements that may help Pennsylvanians in an emergency.” statement.
This is because vaccination rates across the country have slowed.
State Department of Health data shows that more than 65,000 people receive vaccination in Pennsylvania every day, excluding Philadelphia. About a month ago, this number was 100,000 people per day.
Acting Secretary of Health Alison Beam said community organizations and partners will be key players in Pennsylvanians who hesitate or resist vaccination.
“From now on, every shot is hard-won. It is not a challenge that we have to avoid, but we will fight with our community partners at all costs,” she said in the COVID-19 update.
In most parts of the United States, this situation is spreading Vaccination Incentive Program Promote people’s eye-opening, such as free donuts and beer.
The Associated Press stated that the number of new coronavirus cases has fallen by 50% in just two weeks.
Wolves will lift the remaining COVID-19 restrictions in the state on Memorial Day.
However, Philadelphia is Take a slower approach. In most public places, including restaurants and bars, social distance has been reduced to three feet. The gym can increase the capacity to 75%, and masks are no longer needed outdoors.
The final COVID-19 restrictions will be lifted on June 11. May increase requirements for indoor masks On that date, waiting for the status of COVID-19 transmission.
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