How much water should I drink? H2O health benefits and tips for staying hydrated

How much water should I drink? H2O health benefits and tips for staying hydrated



Drinking enough water every day is good for your overall U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention And various experts.

Hydration is one of the most basic, easiest and cheapest parts of a healthy lifestyle. Although water is the main and most effective source of liquid needed by the human body, there are other sources as well.

If you have ever tried to increase water consumption, then you know that it takes conscious effort to develop this habit, even if bottled water seems within reach. However, because many people believe that hydration can reduce the scope of healthy behaviors, hydration can provide a huge return on investment.

There are many important reasons

According to Harvard University Chen Chen School of Public HealthDrinking enough water every day is essential for many reasons, including regulating body temperature, keeping joints lubricated, preventing infections, delivering nutrients to cells and keeping organs functioning normally. The school also listed other benefits of improving sleep quality, cognition and mood.

Experts also conducted on-site research and believed that Long-term benefits of drinking water, Depends on many factors. These benefits may include reducing the risk of colorectal and urinary system cancers, heart disease, urinary tract infections, kidney stones, constipation, high blood pressure and stroke. Drinking water may also help reduce weight.

In any discussion of water, dehydration is the top priority.according to Mayo Clinic, Lack of water can lead to dehydration-this happens when there is not enough water in the body to perform normal functions. Even mild dehydration can consume your energy and make you feel tired.

How much water do we need?

This CDC Define daily fluid intake (total water volume) as the amount of water consumed from food, purified drinking water and other beverages. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) pointed out that the recommended daily water intake varies with age, gender, pregnancy and breastfeeding status, and there is no average requirement for how much white water should be consumed daily by adults and young people.

In other words, the CDC, together with many other scientific organizations, has referred to the recommendations of the National Academy of Sciences, requiring that the total water intake in all foods and liquids is 125 ounces (approximately 15 cups) for men and 91 ounces (approximately for women). 11 cups). The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that ordinary water accounts for 30% of men’s total water intake, 70% of which comes from other dietary foods and liquids. Women’s intake of plain water is 34%.

Another report from Harvard University Said that if you only drink water, your body will be very satisfied. But this also shows that although at least half of your daily liquid should come from water, about one-third can come from unsweetened coffee or tea. Ideally, zero water comes from sugar-sweetened or high-fructose corn syrup sweetened beverages.

Do we drink enough water?

When it comes to meeting our daily water needs, women have reached the goal, while men are very close.

Data from National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey The study found that among American adults, women consume 93 ounces of water per day, slightly higher than the National Academy of Sciences’ recommendation of 91 ounces, while men consume an average of 117 ounces of water, which is only below the recommended 125 ounces.

In addition, the survey also found that men over the age of 60 are the worst in meeting the recommendations, and they consume less water than men between 20 and 59 years old. Women over 60 also consume less water than women between 20 and 59 years old.

Tips to stay hydrated

There are many ways to add water to your lifestyle and develop a routine.This University of Pittsburgh Medical Center The tips provided include: drinking a glass of water in the morning, drinking another glass an hour before going to bed, and drinking a moderate amount of healthy drinks at every meal. UPMC also cited pineapple, watermelon and blueberries as fruits with high water content.

For my more than 50 male (and female) readers, National Institute of Aging Remind us that as you age, you may lose some of your thirst. In order to get enough water without increasing calories, they recommend that you do not wait until you feel thirsty to drink water, drink a glass of water before exercising, and then drink a glass of water while taking medicine.

Water is the best

This American Heart Association Provides some practical tips: After sufficient water, your heart does not have to work so hard. In addition, sports drinks containing electrolytes may be useful for people who do high-intensity vigorous exercise in hot weather, but they tend to be higher in sugar and calories. The same is true for juice and soda. All this led them to conclude that water is the best.

Hydration: a cultural phenomenon

As early as 2002, Heinz Valtin of Dartmouth Medical School was there Journal of PhysiologyAgree with the idea of ??drinking at least eight glasses of 8 ounces of water a day. Many celebrities joined his ranks, and they did not find any scientific evidence to support this view.

There are several theories about the origin of the so-called 8×8 rule, but the actual source is unclear. However, Heinz attributed the emergence of this theory to one of the factors that may cause our national concern about water.

About 20 years ago, Heinz noticed the rise of the culture of water bottles and Americans carrying containers, and the acceptance of people to drink water anywhere. Nowadays, the water on or near you has become a social norm, and many bottled water manufacturers, the emergence of flavored aquatic products and sports drinks have also become social norms. Together with tap water, these products provide a huge opportunity to meet one of our most basic health needs.

No matter how you achieve your daily hydration goals, whether you want to drink cold or be healthy, it is important to be aware of its benefits and work hard to rehydrate in your daily work. Drink it!

Louis Bezich, Senior Vice President of Cooper University Healthcare Strategic AllianceCracking the code: 10 proven secrets that can inspire healthy behaviors and inspire achievement in men over 50. “Learn more from Louis website.


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