Some Rock Church employees tested positive for COVID-19 and services were affected on Sunday

Some Rock Church employees tested positive for COVID-19 and services were affected on Sunday



San Diego – Several positive cases of COVID-19 among the staff of the Rock Church prompted church staff to restrict Sunday services this weekend and next weekend.

The church announced in a statement on Sunday that it recently learned that 15 employees on its five campuses had tested positive for the coronavirus. The church says this is helping those workers get the care they need, while the affected employees are self-isolating.

In view of the outbreak, the church stated that it will restrict its Sunday on-site services only in Point Loma and micro locations on May 16 and May 23.

Anyone who still wants to worship with the church can worship online. website, Or Facebook with YouTube page.

The church said that in order to limit the spread of the virus, the Rock Church’s facilities will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected multiple times within a week.


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