The future of the 129-year-old Halifax Fog is uncertain

The future of the 129-year-old Halifax Fog is uncertain



HALIFAX-An iconic lighthouse at the mouth of the Halifax Harbour in Nova Scotia is likely to remain silent forever.

The Chebucto Head Lighthouse has sounded the alarm for sailors and fishermen for more than 100 years, but its fog horn was silent in February and has not yet been deemed to need repair.

Harvey Vardy, Regional Director of the Canadian Coast Guard’s Atlantic Voyage Program, said: “There is currently no plan to reactivate the fog signal.”

The lighthouse was first lit in 1872, and it was not until February that its Fog number guided the ship across the Atlantic Ocean. The lighthouse is also a famous landmark for locals and tourists on the Duncans Cove hiking trail.

The structure is on top of a rocky cliff without protection from trees. The lighthouse is completely exposed, once it needs frequent maintenance to keep it weatherproof. The property is a sensitive coastal ecological area, owned by the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans and the province.

The review of the Foghorn has been completed, and the Coast Guard’s findings will be published online at the end of this month. The lighthouse is one of 20 other navigation aids in the area, but until February, it was the only working fog horn to Halifax Harbour.

The Coast Guard will soon determine whether the 129-year-old Foghorn is worth salvaging.

Barry MacDonald of the Nova Scotia Lighthouse Conservation Association believes that this lighthouse is still necessary.

MacDonald told CCTV National News: “In that area, there are still many leisure boatmen and yacht crews relying on Foghorn.”

A final decision on the fate of the fog has not yet been made, and people still have time to share their opinions on the decision.

Vardy told CTV National News: “The crew will have the opportunity to raise any concerns about our findings or recommendations.”


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