Protesters in major U.S. cities condemn airstrikes on Gaza

Protesters in major U.S. cities condemn airstrikes on Gaza



Pro-Palestinian protesters took to the streets of Los Angeles, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Atlanta and other American cities on Saturday to demand an end to Israeli air strikes on the Gaza Strip.

Thousands of people traveling two miles from the federal building to the Israeli consulate blocked traffic on a major road west of Los Angeles. The protesters waved slogans saying “Freedom of Palestine” and yelled “Long live the uprising” or uprising.

The protest started in the Bay Ridge neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, which has a large Arabic-speaking community that lasted several hours on the street on Saturday and Saturday. Video footage on social media showed people climbing up street light poles to wave flags, while others set off fireworks. According to a video posted online, as the sun sets, some protesters walked onto Interstate 278 and closed traffic at least in the direction.

The famous Palestinian-American model Bella Hadid (Bella Hadid) participated in the Brooklyn protests.

The parade coincided with Nakba Day, which commemorates the displacement of thousands of Palestinians during Israel’s declaration of independence in 1948.

According to the Atlanta Journal Constitution, in Atlanta, hundreds of pro-Palestinian demonstrators, including grandparents, teenagers, mothers and fathers, and young people who were dragged, gathered in the city center waving signs and chanting slogans.

A slogan read: “We can’t breathe since 1948.” This is a tribute to the racial injustice and brutal police protests that occurred in the United States in the past year after George Floyd died in police custody because he could not breathe. report.

In San Francisco, a noisy crowd yelled, encouraging “Palestine will be free” as they walked through the mission area to Dolores Park.

In Boston, protesters walked a short walk from Copley Square to the Israeli consulate and headed to New England, causing traffic congestion and a similar situation.

Video footage on social media showed that the protesters were hoisting the Palestinian flag with a flag bearing the words “Palestine” while standing on the awning of the building where the consulate was located.

In Washington, thousands of protesters flowed from the Washington Monument to the National Archives. In Philadelphia, demonstrators gathered in Rittenhouse Square to condemn US support for Israel.

In a protest in Pittsburgh, a speaker called on lawmakers to restrict how Israel uses American aid.

The protests were intensified by five days of chaos. At least 145 Palestinians were killed in Gaza and eight were killed in Israel. The violence triggered by the launch of a rocket by Hamas on Israel on Monday came after weeks of rising tensions and Israel’s drastic measures in disputed Jerusalem.

Israel launched an air strike on Saturday, launching a violent attack on the Gaza Strip, which included bombing the residences of senior Hamas leaders, killing 10 families in refugee camps, and destroying a building with an Associated Press office. And other media.


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