I dress up my daughter as a “basic b***h” for school

I dress up my daughter as a “basic b***h” for school



Frankly speaking-during the school dressing days, our mother felt a lot of pressure to let our children wear a completely original and handmade costume.

But when the “Culture Day” of her daughter’s school arrives around this month, the two-child Sharlie Darling (Sharlie Darling) is struggling to find inspiration.


The two-child Sally doesn’t want to buy anything new for her daughter Madeleine’s “Cultural Day” at schoolImage source: Kennedy News

In order to reduce costs, Sharlie finally decided to dress up the five-year-old Madeline as a “basic model” because it meant that there was no need to buy anything new.

In addition to an oversized scarf and striped T-shirt, my mother made her daughter wear a pair of Uggs and gave her an empty Starbucks cup to complete the funny stereotype.

The mother from Orlando, Florida said: “I am not going to go out and buy her a dress. What should I do? Go out, buy a dress and call her the Queen of England? She is already very dramatic. If it’s transformed, I don’t need to put it on her.”

Having said that, not everyone got the joke right away-after Madeleine refused to let her throw away the coffee cup, Sally even had to explain the joke to her teacher over the phone.

Mom’s video views exceed 14 million


Mom’s video views exceed 14 millionImage source: Kennedy News
Mom had to explain that the empty coffee cup is part of Madeleine’s costume


Mom had to explain that the empty coffee cup is part of Madeleine’s costumeImage source: Kennedy News

She continued: “The teachers obviously thought she was bringing garbage, and they didn’t joke about the stereotyped white girl who likes Starbucks.

“The teacher asked me,’She’s really upset with this cup, what’s the situation now?’, I said’She is dressed up as a basic white man.”

“As soon as I explained it, they thought it was very cute. The young teachers at the school gave it very good comments.”

However, for people online, this is not the case-Sharlie said that after sharing a funny video of her daughter wearing clothes on TV, she had to deal with trolls. TikTok Videos with more than 14 million views.

Mom said she lives in tights and loves Starbucks


Mom said she lives in tights and loves StarbucksImage source: Kennedy News
The troll calls Shali


The troll calls Shali “the worst parent in the world”Image source: Kennedy News
People said she was


People said she wasImage source: Kennedy News
Most people see the interesting side


Most people see the interesting sideImage source: Kennedy News

Mom continued: “A lot of people think I am the worst parent or racial hater in the world.” “They think I could have lost an excellent opportunity to teach my children.”

She added: “But there was a large group of people who made a joke. They thought I was respected without respect for other cultures-but I was just lazy.

“Because stereotypes are common. I love my Starbucks, and I love my leggings. Thankfully, most people make this joke.”

Seeing the interesting side, one person replied: “As a teacher, she will get an A in one day.”

But another person was furious: “That’s why some people shouldn’t be parents.”

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