Al Jazeera strongly condemns Israel’s destruction of the Gaza office | Freedom of the press

Al Jazeera strongly condemns Israel’s destruction of the Gaza office | Freedom of the press



The media network said that the bombing was a “clear action” to prevent reporters from reporting incidents in the Gaza Strip, and vowed to take all feasible means to make the Israeli government not liable.

Al Jazeera condemns most strongly Bombing and destruction The Israeli army set up an office in the Gaza Strip as a clear act to prevent journalists from fulfilling their sacred duty to inform the world and report events on the ground.

Al Jazeera promised to take all feasible ways to hold the Israeli government accountable for its actions.

The Israeli army notified the residents and occupants of the Al Jaalaa building, which is located in Al Jazeera’s office and leading international media such as the Associated Press and Middle East Eye, by telephone, and notified them that it took less than an hour to evacuate the building.

Al Jazeera called on all media and human rights agencies to condemn these unrelenting explosions and held the Israeli government responsible for deliberately targeting journalists and media organizations.

Al Jazeera’s Media Network Acting Director-General, Dr. Mostefa Souag, commented on the bombing of the Al-Jalaa building: “We call on the international community to condemn this barbaric act and target journalists. We demand immediate international action. Israel’s It is deliberately responsible for journalists and media organizations.”

Dr. Soag added: “The purpose of this heinous crime is to silence the media and cover up the unspeakable massacre and suffering of the people of Gaza.

“The destruction of Al Jazeera’s office and other media organizations in Gaza’s al-Jalaa Tower is a flagrant violation of human rights and is considered a war crime internationally. We call on all media and human rights institutions to condemn this heinous crime, and Stand with Al Jazeera and other media organizations targeted by the Israeli army, even though they know that the building has been used as a headquarters for many years.”

The purpose of the attack on the building housing the international media organization was to silence the truth by killing the messenger.

News is not a crime.


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