
Prosecutors admitted at a preliminary hearing on Friday that the three girls in the Bucks County woman accused of harassing her daughter’s cheerleader may not have tampered with the “fake” photos and video tapes to discredit the teenager.

In March, the District Attorney’s Office Charge 50-year-old Raffaela Spone (Raffaela Spone), She was accused of using software to change the lens of at least one teenager to make it appear to be smoking. This illegal behavior resulted in the girl being disciplined. Allegedly, a photo was also manipulated to show that one of the minors was not wearing clothes in a public place.

District Attorney Matthew Weintraub said on Friday that the evidence that the video and photos have been tampered with is no longer clear, although Spien will still be tried for allegedly harassing girls through text messages and calls from disguised phone numbers.

The Office of the Home Affairs Department said: “Although investigators initially believed that there was at least one video showing evidence of the use of the so-called deep fake face replacement technology, the police are currently unable to confirm that the video evidence is forged.”

Investigators said Spoon was accused of targeting girls in the Victory Viper cheering team in Doylestown, who were her daughter’s teammates. It is said that this model started last year.

This situation first caught the attention of the Hilden Town police. One of the girls’ mothers reported that her daughter had received harassing text messages and calls from unknown phone numbers.

Two other parents went forward to report to the police in December that their daughters had been attacked by similar phone calls and text messages and had images depicting them in a critical condition, which the girls claimed had never happened. The parents said that some of the photos were tagged with cruel captions.

According to investigators, Spone allegedly used several different phone numbers to contact the girls and the cheerleading stadium in order to get the girls out of the team.

One of the girls told investigators that Spien reportedly said to her: “You should commit suicide.”

The prosecutor said that investigators obtained a search warrant, tracked cell phone activity to Spoon’s Chalfante’s house, and then allegedly connected the disguised phone number to Spoon’s IP address. Authorities said she allegedly used an app called Pinger to obscure her phone number.

However, people questioned the issue of video and photos being changed (Span refused to do this when he first charged it).

“Although the initial assessment indicated that some evidence was created through media manipulation, it may not be accurate in the end, but the neutral discoverer of the facts will eventually have the opportunity to determine whether the evidence in this case shows that Ms. Spoon sent photos, videos and The text is intended to harass three innocent children,” Weintraub said.

DA insisted that the case was justified, and District Court Judge Regina Armitage found sufficient evidence to send Spoine to the Bucks County General Plea Court for trial.

Spone was charged with three counts of online harassment and harassment of children. Both crimes are misdemeanors.

Weintrab said: “Harassment is a crime. It is illegal for adults to harass children.” “Pennsylvania law does not allow adults to repeatedly and anonymously harass, intimidate, or harass someone.”

DA’s office stated that all digital forensic evidence has now been provided to Spone’s legal team for review.

Weintraub said: “We continue to be committed to the fairness and integrity of criminal procedures, including protecting the rights of victims and defendants.”


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