The madness of the war on drugs must be stopped. Sixteen states and the District of Columbia have legalized marijuana for adult entertainment. Approximately 40% of Americans live in jurisdictions where some form of marijuana is legally used-more than 130 million people. Cannabis companies are traded on the stock market.Former Congressman John Boehner once resolutely opposed legalization (“resolute opposition” was his own word), now enables millions of people to promote cannabis.Industry generation Billion Dollars of income and taxes, and thousands of employees are employed. Susan Collins stand by Passing the “Security Act” provides cannabis companies with access to banks, and banks can’t wait to start making money through fees. and many more.
Legalization activists are winning this war. But life is still passing by every day.
Seventeen years ago, Allen Russell pleaded guilty to burglary and became a felony. After serving more than 8 years in prison, Mr. Russell admitted that he was a felony of possession of a weapon, which added another felony to his record, and he served two years in prison.
In 2019, Mr. Allen was raided by the local police and the police seized 43 grams of marijuana.
43 grams of marijuana. It’s about 1.5 ounces. In Oregon, you can have 8 ounces of marijuana at home, and up to 1 ounce of marijuana for your people, without worrying about the legal troubles caused by the state or local police.
No right to receive a suspended sentence or life imprisonment on parole.
That was the decision of the Mississippi Court of First Instance.
That was the verdict confirmed by the Mississippi Supreme Court earlier this week, on May 11, 2021.
You read that right: this happened a week ago. Thanks to 43 grams of marijuana, Mr. Allen will spend the rest of his life in prison with no chance of being released. Based on his previous two felony verdicts, the sentencing court concluded that Mr. Allen is a “violent habitual offender” and therefore should be sentenced to life imprisonment and not eligible for probation or parole. The ruling was deemed correct in the appeal. There is no doubt that the previous felony was not easy. But 43 grams of marijuana. The court decided that Mr. Allen should spend the rest of his life in prison, and that’s all.
No matter how hard you squint, you will never catch a glimpse of justice in this sentence. However, the institutionalized racism of the drug war still exists.
Mr. Russell is not even 40 years old. He will spend the rest of his life in prison: watching this country legalize marijuana, watching Mr. Bona get richer, watching Wall Street make money from marijuana stocks, watching banks profit from marijuana, and watching prison cells See all of them here. It’s all because he is a felon with 43 grams of marijuana.
This is cruel and unusual punishment.
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