Philadelphia, 11/28/2016 /SubmitPressRelease123/

The week of Thanksgiving is one of the biggest travel weeks of the year. It’s the kickoff to the holiday season, and people use this time to visit friends and family all over the country.

Unfortunately, the boost in traffic also means a sharp increase in car and truck accidents. After all, semi-truck drivers have to continue delivering their freight regardless of how many extra cars on are the road. For them, driving is a full-time job. If you plan to travel this Turkey Day, here are several things you can do to make sure you reach your destination safely, according to the American Red Cross.

Check out our related truck accident blogs:

Semi-trucks Can Be Dangerous
Truck Crash Cases Are Different

Truck Accident? Call a Philadelphia Truck Accident Law Firm

If you or a loved one has been injured in a truck accident, contact an experienced Philadelphia truck accident lawyer near you right away. Your lawyer can answer your questions and help you determine the next steps in your case.

Call Philadelphia truck accident lawyer Rand Spear today at 888-373-4LAW today to discuss your case with a knowledgeable truck accident attorney.


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