Preservation Steps For Executives Anticipating Litigation

Preservation Steps For Executives Anticipating Litigation


Dallas, Texas, 09/08/2016 /SubmitPressRelease123/

Dallas employment lawyer Keith Clouse suggests that executives take these preservation steps if anticipating litigation for misappropriation of trade secrets.

        1.  Image your personal computer and email. Preserving the metadata on your personal devices is extremely important. Most employers will accuse you of stealing or misappropriating confidential information and trade secrets. To protect yourself, preserve this information as close to your termination or resignation as possible.

        2.  Don’t forget to image your phone. We forget that sometimes relevant evidence can be stored in text messages or photographs on your phone. Because losing, destroying, or altering data is far greater on a phone, it is necessary to preserve this information as soon as possible.

        3.  Prevent inadvertent spoliation. Be sure to turn off all automatic deletions and syncing features on your devices. Although you may not intend to delete emails or documents, automatic deletion settings may erase relevant information and alter metadata.

Proactively preserving data helps the litigation process go smoothly and guarantees that evidence has not been altered or destroyed. To speak to an employment law attorney about non-compete agreements, send an email to [email protected] or call (214) 239-2705. This article is presented by the Dallas employment law lawyers at Clouse Dunn LLP.

Social Media Tags:dallas, attorneys, lawyers, preservation, litigation hold, misappropriation, trade secrets, forensics

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