1-800-CAR-WRECK to Provide New Shoes and Jackets for Fort Worth Elementary

1-800-CAR-WRECK to Provide New Shoes and Jackets for Fort Worth Elementary


Fort Worth, Tx, 12/12/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/

HEADLINE: 1-800-CAR-WRECK to Provide New Shoes and Jackets for Fort Worth Elementary Students in Need


SUMMARY: The Fort Worth car wreck attorneys of Eberstein Witherite LLP are gearing up to help supply area elementary school students with new shoes and jackets needed this winter.



The Fort Worth based team at 1-800-CAR-WRECK will soon be sponsoring area elementary school students who are in need of new coats and shoes for the winter in a donation drive. The law firm of Eberstein Witherite LLP has pledged to donate hundreds of items for Pre-K, 2nd, and 5th grade students who attend I.M. Terrell Elementary School whose families may otherwise be unable to afford these essentials. The drive is set to take place on December 18th at 9 am.


The Broad Scope of Insecurity for Children Living in Poverty


Says Fort Worth personal injury lawyer Amy Witherite, who co-founded the Eberstein Witherite firm, “in many of the communities served by our firm, poverty affects a number of individuals to the extent that they cannot afford to provide their children with resources to meet even their most basic needs. The problem is far more widespread than many realize, which makes donation drives like this one very important.”


There are several statistics that help support this assertion including findings by ThinkProgress.org that suggest that nearly half of Americans struggle to afford food, clothing, housing, and other essential items.


Source: ThinkProgress.com Report “Almost Half The Country Can’t Afford Basic Needs”


“The official poverty rate dramatically understates the scope of economic insecurity in the country, according to a new report from the group Wider Opportunities for Women (WOW). While 15 percent of the country continues to live below the federal poverty line, WOW reports that 45 percent of the country is unable to afford basic needs like housing, utilities, food, child care, transportation, health care, and essential household items.”


To read more visit http://thinkprogress.org/economy/2013/09/18/2641301/half-country-afford-basics/


The upcoming drive is being organized through the I.M. Terrell Alumni Association, and is anticipated to help provide hundreds of elementary students in Fort Worth with new jackets and shoes.


Lucy Tiseo, who helps coordinate charitable giving activities with community organizations on behalf of Eberstein Witherite, says of the upcoming drive “we feel we have made a special connection with the kids at I.M. Terrell after participating in their career day event earlier this year. It’s amazing that we have had the opportunity to not only be a part of the great cause of helping expand the knowledge of some students about careers that can advance their future, but also support those whose families are struggling with getting them shoes and jackets so that they don’t have to go without.”


There are 260 students in the school who will each receive a jacket in the donation drive. Thirty jackets will be provided by a local church organization and Amy Witherite will be providing 230 jackets for the remainder so that no child in the school will go without one this winter. More information about the cause can be found by visiting http://1800carwreck.tv/.


About Eberstein Witherite LLP, 1-800-CAR-WRECK


The Eberstein Witherite law firm was founded over ten years ago by attorneys Amy Witherite and Brian Eberstein. With office locations in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Houston, the law firm provides legal support in the area of personal injury to clients throughout the state of Texas. More information about the firm, and how to get help for a personal injury legal matter can be found by visiting http://fortworth.1800-car-wreck.com/ or calling 1-800-CAR-WRECK at any time.


Media Contact:


Lucy Tiseo

Eberstein Witherite LLP

Phone: 866-774-5410


Connect with Eberstein Witherite on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+


#EbersteinWitherite #1800CarWreck

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Social Media Tags:Fort Worth car wreck attorneys, I.M. Terrell Elementary School, Fort Worth personal injury lawyer, donation drive, students in Fort Worth, I.M. Terrell Alumni Association, personal injury

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