08/22/2015 // Dallas, Texas, United States // Attorney Keith Clouse // Keith Clouse // (press release)

Dallas employment lawyer Keith Clouse knows that many business leaders don’t hold employee evaluations in high regard. They are tedious and time-consuming to prepare and may seem inconsequential in light of the other items on a business leader’s agenda. But, when a former employee sues the company, the individual’s past evaluations move to the forefront. Here, Mr. Clouse asks employers to avoid these mistakes when evaluating employees.

This article is presented by the Dallas employment attorneys at Clouse Dunn LLP. To speak to an employment law attorney about workplace issues, send an email to [email protected] or call (214) 239-2705.

Media Information:

Address: 1201 Elm Street Suite 5200 Dallas, Texas 75270 – 2142
Phone: 214.220.2722
Url: http://dallasemploymentlawyer.cdklawyers.com/avoid-these-mistakes-when-evaluating-an-employee_13528.html