More complaints filed against Bayer, Merck over antibiotic Avelox

More complaints filed against Bayer, Merck over antibiotic Avelox


07/30/2015 // JusticeNewsFlash // (press release)

Philadelphia – More complaints have been filed against Bayer Corp. and Merck & Co. Inc over health risks linked to the antibiotic drug Avelox. At least two new plaintiffs brought forward complaints recently in Pennsylvania federal court alleging the companies downplayed the related risks of permanent nerve damage.

Jerri Ayn Sheppard and Michael Bentley joined Jacqueline Whitters in bringing legal action against the company, accusing the defendants of responding to reports of nerve damage associated with Avelox with a modified label that downplayed the risks.

All three complaints say “Rather than warning patients and physician that the use of Avelox may result in permanent nerve damage, defendants instead adopted a warning that misleadingly indicated such damage was rare and failed to make any mention of the risk of permanent nerve damage.”

Rosemarie Yancosek, a spokeswoman for Bayer, has previously stated of the matter “The labeling information for Avelox (moxifloxacin) already contained a warning and precaution information regarding cases of sensory or sensorimotor axonal polyneuropathy in patients receiving fluoroquinolones many years before the FDA issued its Drug Safety Communication in August 2013… The Avelox label was updated in 2004 to warn of this risk.”

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