Attorneys apologize for abuse lawsuit filed by former aspiring actor

Attorneys apologize for abuse lawsuit filed by former aspiring actor


06/08/2015 // JusticeNewsFlash // (press release)

Hawaii – Lawyers who filed lawsuits against two Hollywood executives on behalf of a former aspiring actor have apologized for bringing forth the suits. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), attorney Jeffrey Herman of Boca Raton, Florida, issued letters offering apologies to Garth Ancier and David Neuman over accusations made in the lawsuits that they had abused Michael Egan over a decade ago.

The suits, which were filed in 2014, allege that Egan had been abused in California and Hawaii in 1999. The attorneys now say they do not believe the allegations. The suits were dismissed in June 2014.

Herman stated in letters sent separately to Ancier and Neuman, “Based on what I know now, I believe that I participated in making what I now know to be untrue and proveably false allegations against you.”

He further stated, “I deeply regret the pain, suffering and damage the lawsuits and publicity have caused you, and your family, friends and colleagues.”

Monetary compensation was also provided to the executives in an unspecified sum.

Ancier said of the recent apologies in a prepared statement, “"I said on day one this was all absolutely false and I'm certainly pleased that's now been admitted by the lawyers responsible for transforming absurd fabrications into a real-life nightmare for me.”

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