06/07/2015 // Dallas, Texas, United States // Attorney Keith Clouse // Keith Clouse // (press release)

Many employers ask their top executives and those employees who regularly handle sensitive company information to sign nondisclosure and noncompetition agreements designed to protect the companies’ trade secrets. But, trade secret law applies to all employees, not just to those at the top; no employee may steal and use a company’s trade secrets.

One way an employer may protect itself against trade secret theft by departing employees is to incorporate the subject into all exit interviews. As part of the exit interview process, an employer should:

The employer should record this information on a checklist so that the employer has proof that these subjects were discussed and that key documents were provided to the departing employee. The departing employee should sign this form at the meeting’s end.

This article is presented by the Dallas employment attorneys at Clouse Dunn LLP. To speak to an employment law attorney, send an email to [email protected] or call (214) 239-2705.


Media Information:

Address: 1201 Elm Street Suite 5200 Dallas, Texas 75270 – 2142
Phone: 214.220.2722
Url: http://dallasemploymentlawyer.cdklawyers.com/use-exit-interviews-to-help-protect-trade-secrets_13286.html