Arizona governor signs law blocking Obamacare abortion coverage

Arizona governor signs law blocking Obamacare abortion coverage


03/30/2015 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Arizona – The Governor of Arizona recently signed a new bill into law that blocks abortion coverage under the Obamacare health exchange. As reported by Reuters, the measure was signed into law on Monday by Governor Doug Ducey, disallowing the purchase of health plans that provide coverage for abortions as well as mandates doctors to inform women about the possible reversal of drug-induced abortions.

The issue of whether the effects of abortion pills can be reversed has been hotly debated by supporters and opponents of the controversial law.

Ducey is quoted as releasing the statement about the bill’s component that places restrictions on the type of coverage women can purchase on the federal healthcare exchange, “The American people overwhelmingly oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, and it’s no different in Arizona, where we have long-standing policy against subsidizing them with public dollars.”

The measure includes exemptions in cases of rape, incest, and life-threatening circumstances.

Bryan Howard, president of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Arizona, has stated that he will continue to oppose the legislation through “all of our options, including litigation.”

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