Life Care Plans and Medical Cost Projections for Motor Vehicle Accident Injury

Life Care Plans and Medical Cost Projections for Motor Vehicle Accident Injury


12/10/2013 // LifeCare123 (Press Release) // Life Care Solutions Group // (press release)

When a person is seriously injured in a motor vehicle accident, the cost of required medical care is often excessive and far beyond what they can afford out-of-pocket. In cases where ongoing rehabilitation is needed, costs can skyrocket so high that injured victims and their loved ones don’t know where to turn.

Costs of Transportation-Related Injuries and Deaths in the United States, 2005

“Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of death among people ages 5 to 34 in the United States, and a leading cause of injury among all ages. The economic impact of transportation-related deaths and injuries is significant; medical and work loss costs for deaths and emergency department-treated nonfatal injuries exceeded $90 billion in 2005.”

For more information on the costs of transportation-related injuries and deaths in the U.S., please visit

The development of a sound life care plan in accident injury cases can help the injured have an assessment of what the totality of their medical needs are, and also give them information about what resources are available to help them.

There are many components of a well laid out life care plan; however, among the most important are the projections for the costs of providing present and future medical care. This inclusion is necessary, particularly in cases where a patient is seeking compensation from those who are liable for a serious injury that has left them with long-term or permanent disabilities.

Medical and Work Loss Cost Estimation Methods for the WISQARS Cost of Injury Module

“Every year, injuries impose a significant financial burden on the U.S. health care system. For some injuries, medical treatment and corresponding costs may persist for years or even decades after the initial injury. Injuries can result in both temporary and permanent disability. When this occurs, injury victims may lose their ability to work or be restricted in the kind of work they can do.

Reduced or restricted ability to work due to injury may result in lost wages and accompanying fringe benefits, and the loss of the ability to perform one’s normal household responsibilities.”

For more information about medical and work losses from injury, please visit

When pursuing claims for personal injury compensation, having a professional assessment of the extent of medical damages, and the financial consequences of being injured in an accident has on victims is invaluable. It could mean the difference between winning or losing a case.

The Life Care Solutions Group is a resource dedicated to helping those who have been seriously injured in motor vehicle accidents understand what their medical and legal options are, and obtain a quality life care plan for use in pursuing injury claims. Individuals can contact Dr. Greg Vigna today for more information on how to receive help.

Media Information:

Address: 770 ‘L’ Street Suite 950, Sacramento, CA 95814
Phone: 916-258-2655
Url: Lifecare Solutions Group

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