Ryan O’Neal says Farrah Fawcett Warhol portrait belongs to him

Ryan O’Neal says Farrah Fawcett Warhol portrait belongs to him


12/11/2013 // West Palm Beach, Florida, US // JusticeNewsFlash // Justice News Flash // (press release)

Los Angeles – Ryan O’Neal testified in court recently about the ownership of a piece of artwork he had removed from the home of late actress Farrah Fawcett following her death. As reported by the Associated Press (AP), O’Neal claimed he owned the Andy Warhol portrait of the late star, which the University of Texas at Austin purports she donated to the school.

The university filed the lawsuit in 2011 over the ownership of the artwork, which was done in 1980. Warhol reportedly created two versions of the portrait, one which O’Neal currently has in his possession, and another which is at the university’s Blanton Museum of Art on display.

O’Neal is quoted as responding to the question of whether he had discussed the removal of the Warhol portrait with anyone by stating, “Of course I did… I’m sure I did. It wasn’t a secret.”

O’Neal asserted to jurors that he would never sell the portrait if he were allowed to keep it.

This report is provided by Justice News Flash – Los Angeles Legal News

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