Why So Many Oil Spill Response Workers Still Need Help

Why So Many Oil Spill Response Workers Still Need Help


11/18/2013 // BP Oil Spill Claim Website (Press Release) // BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk // (press release)

A settlement has been proposed that could help those who participated in cleanup efforts following the 2010 oil spill obtain compensation for the cost of medical care. Because the spill occurred three years ago, some have questions about why so many response workers are still impacted today. According to the BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk, problems persist because so many response workers were excluded from funded groups that were able to file for reimbursement for damages soon after the disaster.

Gulf Spill Trial Resumes, Focusing On BP Response To Oil Disaster

“In late July, BP reported a second quarter net profit of $2 billion as lower oil prices, higher taxes and a drop in income from its operations in Russia took their toll on the company. The company has already set aside more than $42 billion for the oil spill, including damage claims from residents and businesses.”

For more information about the BP response to oil disaster report, please visit http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/30/gulf-spill-trial_n_4016630.html

Despite so much money already having been set aside for victims, thousands of response workers who have reported developing health complications from exposure to crude oil toxins and contaminants from chemical dispersants used to break up oil have been denied compensation. This is a primary reason many attorneys are pushing for the approval of the proposed settlement to help injured response workers. Due to the length of time that passed before many were able to receive proper medical care, a number of those with serious health complications saw their conditions worsen over time, and continue to suffer with related problems.

NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation

“The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is conducting a health hazard evaluation of Deepwater Horizon Response workers at the request of BP. The request asked NIOSH to evaluate potential exposures and health effects among response workers.”

For more information about the NIOSH evaluation please visit http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/topics/oilspillresponse/gulfspillhhe.html

The BP Gulf Oil Spill Help Desk is available to help individuals who participated in cleanup efforts following the 2010 oil spill understand their present medical and legal options. We understand the medical requirements necessary to be considered for compensation as part of the settlement. If you have sustained a medical injury related to the spill contact the help desk for a free case evaluation today.

Media Information:

Address: 8880 Rio San Diego Dr., Rio Vista Tower 8th Floor, San Diego, CA 92108
Phone: 619-573-4005
Url: http://disasters.lifecare123.com/oil-spill-response-workers_11065.html

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