Why Choose a Life Care a Planner Who is also a Qualified Physician?

Why Choose a Life Care a Planner Who is also a Qualified Physician?


11/05/2013 // LifeCare123 (Press Release) // Life Care Solutions Group // (press release)

Many people who have been seriously injured in an accident are unaware that there are resources available to help them assess their future medical needs to achieve the best quality of life possible. Life care planning is a particularly important step for those who choose to file a personal injury claim, if their long-term injuries were caused by the negligence or misconduct of others. People who have been hurt as a result of incidents such as car accidents and left with amputation injuries, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, chronic pain, or other life altering injuries often require medical based litigation support to get a fair settlement for their claims.

A certified life care planner is someone whom patients with catastrophic injuries can turn to for help understanding what may be needed to accommodate their lifestyle needs in both the short and long run. Choosing one who has expertise in this professional field isn’t difficult; however, choosing a life care planner who has significant knowledge about the challenges that accompany one’s specific medical condition is not as simple. This is because “fewer than one percent of life care planners are also medical experts or physicians in the field related to their clients life care planning needs,” say the Life Care Solutions Group.

Many may question why they should choose a life care planner who is also a qualified physician. Having a physician directed life care plan helps ensure that nothing related to one’s ongoing need for medical care gets left out of the plan developed for them. They can provide key evaluations related to an injured person’s loss of functioning in multiple areas for the development of a sound future medical needs assessment.

The Life Care Solutions Group is available to help anyone who has been seriously injured in an accident and has questions about their life care planning options. Individuals can contact the resource today to request a free case review.

Media Information:

Address: 355 South Grand Ave. Suite 2450, Los Angeles, CA 90071
Phone: 213-784-5102
Url: Lifecare Solutions Group

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