When Can Hospitals Be Sued for Medical Malpractice?

When Can Hospitals Be Sued for Medical Malpractice?


09/27/2013 // jcreiterlaw // The Law Firm of Jonathan C. Reiter // (press release)

Many patients have questions about their legal rights if they become injured while under a hospital or a physician’s care. One of the most common questions asked in these cases is who is responsible: the doctor or medical staff member whose actions directly caused the injury, or the hospital?

Hospitals are responsible when incompetence or failure to provide an adequate standard of care on the part of nurses, technicians, paramedics, or other hospital employees plays a role in a patient becoming injured. However, in many cases where a doctor has been negligent, it is the doctor who is liable for a related medical malpractice claim.

A number of factors determine where responsibility lies if a patient is injured while receiving hospital care. The following are three considerations that may be considered when assessing liability in these matters:

• Was the responsible party an employee of the hospital who was carrying out the duties of their job when he or she injured the patient?

• Was the doctor an independent contractor whose actions caused the injury of a patient?

• Was the doctor or medical staff member’s behavior incompetent or dangerous, which led to a patient becoming injured?

When a patient chooses to go forward with a medical malpractice claim, help from an experienced lawyer is necessary due to complex hospital and legal regulations that may differ from state to state. The New York medical malpractice attorneys of The Law Firm of Jonathan C. Reiter are available for victims who have been injured as a result of medical malpractice and have specific questions about their legal options. The law firm can provide individuals with a free consultation to discuss the merits of their case.

Individuals in New York with legal questions about a medical injury or malpractice issue can contact the law firm directly for more information.

Media Information:

Address: New York, NY
Phone: (212) 736-0979
Url: New York Injury Accident Lawyer

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