Pudendal Neuralgia: Why This Cause of Pelvic Pain Often Goes Undiagnosed

Pudendal Neuralgia: Why This Cause of Pelvic Pain Often Goes Undiagnosed


07/24/2013 // Vaginal Mesh Website // Life Care Solutions Group // (press release)

Pudendal neuralgia is not a term many are used to hearing everyday; however, it is a serious condition that affects many women who may not even know they have it. A number of women who have been left with chronic pelvic pain after giving birth, undergoing surgery, or having been involved in a serious accident may suffer from the condition, but have yet to be properly diagnosed. In fact, according to Dr. Michael Hibner whom The Life Care Solutions Group has consulted with for expertise on related health problems concerning women, “…a significant number of women who have burning pain in the vulva, clitoris, vagina, perineum, or rectum – including women who are diagnosed with interstitial cystitis, pelvic floor muscle spasms, vulvodynia, or other conditions – may in fact have pudendal neuralgia” (Ob.Gyn. News, 2012).

Pudendal neuralgia is characterized by the pudendal nerve becoming entrapped or compressed. Among the most common symptoms of the condition are chronic pelvic pain (that worsens with sitting), genital numbness, and incontinence. The problem with accurately diagnosing women who have the condition can be largely attributed to the lack of specific clinical signs or tests to validate its presence in patients who present symptoms. Diagnosis is largely one of exclusion.

According to Dr. Hibner, who specializes in Obstetrics and Gynecology, “Awareness of the nerve’s anatomy and distribution, and of the hallmark characteristics and symptoms of pudendal neuralgia, is important, because earlier identification and treatment appears to provide better outcomes.”

The Life Care Solutions Group is available to help women who need answers about getting help for their chronic pelvic pain or conditions such as pudendal neuralgia. The resource can also help those who have been treated with transvaginal mesh for various types of conditions and are experiencing further health complications as a result.

Contact the Life Care Solutions Group today if you need a free consultation to discuss your medical or legal options.

Media Information:

Phone: 888.855.1674
Url: http://tvm.lifecare123.com/pudendal-neuralgia-why-this-cause-of-pelvic-pain-often-goes-undiagnosed_9794.html

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