What Should You Do When You Know Your Company is Cheating the Government?

What Should You Do When You Know Your Company is Cheating the Government?


04/23/2013 // Whistleblower Law Firm // Keller Grover // (press release)

The government contracts with many big companies in the U.S. for which it provides millions of dollars for goods and services everyday. Unfortunately, some of these companies prove to be corrupt and cheat the government out of money with fraudulent invoices and accounting records that inaccurately reflect what amounts should be paid for contracted items. When this type of cheating occurs, there are usually employees who acquire knowledge of the fraudulent practices being carried out by their employer, but for most it is often easier to remain silent about the issue.

Silence in these cases is not golden and allowing this kind of corruption to continue for any amount of time places a heavy burden on the government. With this understanding, the government affords protections to those brave few who are willing to help in the fight against these fraudulent practices under the False Claims Act. Under this act, whistleblowers that make the courageous decision to come forward when they know a company is cheating the government are not only protected from retaliation, but also can be rewarded financially.

The federal whistleblower lawyers of Keller Grover understand the fears of those who have information about fraud being carried out by corrupt companies in relation to government contracts but feel compelled to report it. The firm’s legal team can help people in these circumstances make more informed decisions about what to do with the information they have and how to avoid the pitfalls and anxiety associated with doing the right thing. By law, a whistleblower who wants to bring a case on behalf of the government under the False Claims Act must be represented by an attorney.

If your employer has contracted with the government and you know the company has been submitting false payment claims for goods or services a whistleblower attorney may be able to help. Contact the Keller Grover whistleblower law firm today for a free, confidential case evaluation.

Media Information:

Address: 1965 Market Street San Francisco, CA 94103
Phone: 866.486.1537
Url: whistleblower lawyers

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