All Types of Asbestos Are Dangerous Reports Cooney & Conway Mesothelioma Firm

All Types of Asbestos Are Dangerous Reports Cooney & Conway Mesothelioma Firm


02/13/2013 // Chicago, Illinois, United States // Cooney & Conway // Jill Rule // (press release)

Mesothelioma Firm Report: It is known that asbestos is dangerous and may lead to health problems including mesothelioma. But what is asbestos?

Asbestos refers to six different fibrous minerals which are divided into two groups that occur in mineral deposits throughout the world. It is a chemically inert substance that does not conduct heat. It is also fire resistant, insoluble, and odorless. Because of these properties, asbestos was regularly used in shipyards, automobiles, factories, and other commercially distributed products.

The first group of asbestos, Serpentines, contains only one type of asbestos: Chrysotile, also known as white asbestos. This is the most common type of asbestos, accounting for approximately 95 percent of all asbestos found in industrial and commercial products. It is unique because its fibers are curled compared to the needle-like fibers present in the five other types. Because of its high quantities, it accounts for most people’s exposure and thus their asbestos-related condition.

The five other types of asbestos are in the Amphibole group. Amosite asbestos, also called Grunerile or brown asbestos, is classified as the second most common type of asbestos found in industrial and commercial products including cement sheet and pipe insulation. Crocidolite asbestos, also known as blue asbestos is found in various products. And finally, Tremolite, Actinolite, and Anthophyllite asbestos are found occasionally in industrial or commercial products.

Regardless of what type of asbestos a person is exposed to, it can lead to adverse health effects including mesothelioma. It should be noted that asbestos fibers cause problems. Once the fibers are released into the air so that it can be inhaled it poses serious risks to humans. However, since asbestos fibers are odorless and can be invisible to the naked eye, extreme caution should be exercised when around asbestos or asbestos-containing products.

Contact Cooney & Conway Lawyers for issues related to asbestos, mesothelioma and any other types of injury resulting from asbestos.


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Address: 120 N. LaSalle St., Ste. 3000, Chicago, IL 60602
Phone: 312-436-2442

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